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    • Lit Guide
      by Ibi Zoboi
      Seventeen-year-old Zuri Benitez wakes up excited to welcome home her sister Janae from Janae’s freshman year at Syracuse. That same day, the Darcys move into the newly renovated “mini-mansion” across
    • Poetry Guide
      Honour Killing
      by Imtiaz Dharker
      Imtiaz Dharker wrote "Honour Killing" in response to the 1999 murder of Samia Imran, a Pakistani woman whose parents killed her to prevent her from divorcing her abusive husband. In this poem, a Pakis
    • Poetry Guide
      Constancy to an Ideal Object
      by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
      "Constancy to an Ideal Object" is Samuel Taylor Coleridge's examination of the illusions and pains of impossible love. The poem's speaker, in love with a lady he can never be with, finds himself locke
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