A Bend in the River


V. S. Naipaul

A Bend in the River Characters


Salim comes from a wealthy family of Muslim Indian merchants and former slave traders on the east coast of Africa. Disillusioned with his people’s passivity, Salim purchases a store from Nazruddin in a town in… read analysis of Salim


Metty is Salim’s ward and house servant who works for him at the shop as a customs officer. Metty is first sent to live with Salim after a violent uprising destroys Salim’s family’s home and… read analysis of Metty


Indar grew up alongside Salim and was Salim’s initial inspiration for leaving their people behind. Salim idolized and envied Indar for his enterprising nature. When Indar arrives in town unannounced, Salim is anxious to impress… read analysis of Indar


Nazruddin is the charismatic businessman who originally sells Salim the shop in the town at the bend in the river. Growing up, Nazruddin was something of a mentor to Salim, who admired Nazruddin’s worldliness, business… read analysis of Nazruddin


Ferdinand is the son of Zabeth, who spends his adolescence in the town getting his education at the lycée and the polytechnic institute in the Domain. Salim attempts to mentor Ferdinand at Zabeth’s request… read analysis of Ferdinand
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The President / The Big Man

The Big Man is the authoritarian president of the unnamed central African country in which the town at the bend in the river is located. Having gained power after the most recent rebellion in the… read analysis of The President / The Big Man


Raymond is an academic and historian, previously the right-hand man to the President, who lives in the State’s Domain with his wife Yvette. When Indar first brings Salim to a party thrown by the… read analysis of Raymond


Yvette is Raymond’s wife with whom Salim has an affair. Yvette is an intelligent and modern woman who Salim first meets in the Domain when Indar invites him to a dinner party at their house… read analysis of Yvette


Shoba is Mahesh’s wife. As a couple, they are some of Salim’s first friends in the town. Shoba comes from a wealthy Indian family who she scandalized by marrying Mahesh. When she left, her brothers… read analysis of Shoba


Mahesh is an eager entrepreneur and the husband of Shoba. The couple are some of Salim’s first real friends in town. Mahesh is also ethnically Indian but has lived in Africa his whole life… read analysis of Mahesh


Zabeth is a marchande and shaman from one of the local bush villages who is Salim’s first regular customer. Zabeth is large with coppery skin, unlike the other people of her tribe, and comes across… read analysis of Zabeth

Father Huismans

Father Huismans is a Belgian priest fascinated with the history of Africa and colonial rule who works as the headmaster of the lycée in town. Father Huismans is a reverent believer in European superiority, subscribing… read analysis of Father Huismans


Idlephonse is the African house servant of Shoba and Mahesh. When Mahesh purchases his branch of Bigburger he makes Idlephonse a manager. Salim always notices how, when the couple is around, Idlephonse is bright… read analysis of Idlephonse

Citizen Théotime

Citizen Théotime is a local African mechanic and drunk who gains possession of Salim’s store during nationalization. Théotime is illiterate, spending most of his days at the shop in the backroom reading comic books, leaving… read analysis of Citizen Théotime
Minor Characters
Prosper is the crooked cop who Metty tips off about Salim’s stash of contraband, leading to Salim’s arrest after he refuses to pay Prosper’s exorbitant bribe.
Kareisha is the daughter of Nazruddin and Salim’s fiancé. After her father’s failed business ventures, Kareisha becomes a pharmacist in London, taking on a practical career alongside her siblings as Nazruddin loses faith in his ability to provide for them.
Noimon is a prominent Greek businessman, involved in all aspects of the town’s economy. When Noimon liquidates his assets and sells his businesses, it signals the end of the boom and the beginning of the crash for the town’s economy.