A Different Mirror

A Different Mirror


Ronald Takaki

Martin Delany Character Analysis

Martin Delany was an abolitionist and black nationalist who was descended from Mandingo royalty. After having his offer to attend Harvard Medical School rescinded on account of racism, he planned to establish a nation for black Americans in Africa. However, he ultimately abandoned these plans and returned to the US to fight in the Union Army during the Civil War.
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Martin Delany Character Timeline in A Different Mirror

The timeline below shows where the character Martin Delany appears in A Different Mirror. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2, Chapter 5: “No More Peck o’Corn”
Martin Delany, meanwhile, was a black nationalist descended from Mandingo royalty. His family members raised him to... (full context)
Two years later Delany published his “manifesto for black emigration,” and in 1859 he went to Africa to find... (full context)
Although Delany passionately advocated for the idea of black people immigrating to Africa, he also retained a... (full context)