A Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones


George R. R. Martin

A Game of Thrones: Chapter 38: Tyrion Summary & Analysis

Tyrion is held in the Eyrie in a cell that has bars on one side and is open on the other. The open side gives way to a 600-foot drop to the ground below. Wind whips through the open chamber. Tyrion racks his mind for a way to get out and finally thinks of a solution. He tells the guard that he’ll give him as much gold as he could want. All he has to do is pass on a message to Lysa. Tyrion tells the guard to pass on the message that he wants to confess to his crimes. 
Catelyn outwitted Tyrion after she had him arrested by telling anyone who would listen that they were headed to Winterfell when she planned to go to the Eyrie all along. Tyrion now has his chance to try and outwit Catelyn and Lysa in a scheme that will gradually become clear as this chapter progresses, demonstrating the necessity of cunning when playing the life-or-death game of politics and power.
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Later that night, Lysa summons Tyrion and is prepared to hear his confession. Tyrion begins describing a litany of sins, including treating his servants unkindly and dreaming of killing his father. Lysa reminds Tyrion that he stands accused of killing Jon Arryn and trying to have Bran killed. Tyrion says he can’t say anything about either of those events because he knows nothing about them. He then demands a trial. Lysa says that is his right and commands her men to open the “moon door.”
Though meant facetiously, Tyrion’s confession also sheds light on his character. He has previously disclosed that his father rejected him, and it seems that perhaps Tyrion has, at times, unjustly protected his frustrations onto his servants, who have less power than him and can therefore not respond or retaliate. Tyrion again denies any involvement in Jon Arryn’s death and the conspiracy to kill Bran. Again, neither Lysa nor Catelyn seems to entertain the possibility that he could be telling the truth.
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A door in the middle of the floor in the shape of a crescent moon opens, revealing nothing but the sky beneath it. If Tyrion loses his trial, he’ll be thrown through the opening. Tyrion then says he wants a trial by combat. The room erupts in laughter. Lysa agrees and chooses one of her soldiers to fight in her stead. Tyrion says he would also like to choose a champion and elects his brother Jaime. Lysa says that he can’t choose Jaime because Jaime is nowhere close to the Eyrie. The room falls silent. From the crowd, a lone voice emerges. It’s a soldier for hire named Bronn, who has been traveling with Catelyn’s group. He says he’ll fight for Tyrion. 
Tyrion’s plan comes into clearer focus here. While it seemed impossible for Tyrion to prove his innocence through facts and reasoning, especially while sequestered in a prison cell, a trial by combat gives him a chance at freedom. It’s undeniably a risky strategy, but it also seems to be the closest Tyrion has gotten to freedom since Catelyn arrested him. Notably, a soldier for hire offers to fight for Tyrion, demonstrating the power that the Lannisters wield due to their wealth.
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