A Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones


George R. R. Martin

A Game of Thrones Characters

Ned Stark

Ned Stark is Jon Snow, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon’s father. He is also Catelyn’s husband, Rickard’s son, Ben’s brother, and a close friend of… read analysis of Ned Stark

Jon Snow

Jon Snow is Ned’s son who was born out of wedlock. His mother is Wylla, and he is Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon’s half-brother. As a character… read analysis of Jon Snow

Robb Stark

Robb is Catelyn and Ned’s son and Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon’s brother. He is also Jon Snow’s half-brother. After Ned is arrested and executed, Robb becomes the Lord… read analysis of Robb Stark

Catelyn Stark

Catelyn is Ned’s husband and Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon’s mother. She was also engaged to Brandon Stark before Brandon died. Catelyn is portrayed as fiercely protective of… read analysis of Catelyn Stark

Arya Stark

Arya is Ned and Catelyn’s daughter and Robb, Sansa, Bran, and Rickon’s sister. She is also Jon Snow’s half-sister. Arya is portrayed as fiercely independent. She finds the gender… read analysis of Arya Stark
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Sansa Stark

Sansa is Ned and Catelyn’s daughter and Robb, Arya, Bran, and Rickon’s sister. She is also Jon Snow’s half-sister. She is engaged to Joffrey. Sansa is initially enamored… read analysis of Sansa Stark

Bran Stark

Bran is Ned and Catelyn’s son and Robb, Sansa, Arya, and Rickon’s brother. He is also Jon Snow’s half-brother. Jaime pushes Bran out of a window after he sees… read analysis of Bran Stark

Cersei Lannister

Cersei is Tywin’s daughter, Robert’s wife, and Tyrion’s sister. She is also Jaime’s twin sister and lover. Most people believe that Robert is the father of her children, though in actuality… read analysis of Cersei Lannister

Robert Baratheon/the Usurper

Robert is Stannis and Renly’s brother and Cersei’s husband. He is close friends with Ned and served as Jon Arryn’s ward when younger. Most people believe him to be Joffrey, Tommenread analysis of Robert Baratheon/the Usurper

Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion is Jaime and Cersei’s brother and Tywin’s son. He is portrayed as witty and has a quick retort ready for almost every situation. He has dwarfism, which resulted in his father’s rejection… read analysis of Tyrion Lannister

Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys is Viserys and Rhaegar’s sister and Aerys II Targaryen’s daughter. When Daenerys is 13, Viserys trades her hand in marriage to Khal Drogo in hopes that Khal Drogo’s army will support him… read analysis of Daenerys Targaryen

Viserys Targaryen

Viserys is Daenerys and Rhaegar’s brother and Aerys II Targaryen’s son. He trades Daenerys’s hand in marriage to Khal Drogo when Daenerys is 13 years old, despite her objections. He is intent on… read analysis of Viserys Targaryen

Khal Drogo

Khal Drogo is Daenerys’s husband. He is the khal (or king) of a Dothraki khalasar (a band of nomadic people) of about 40,000 people. He is portrayed as an unmatched warrior who has never… read analysis of Khal Drogo

Jorah Mormont

Jorah is Commander Jeor Mormont’s son. Jorah fled Westeros in disgrace after he sold two poachers to a slaver instead of sending them to the Night’s Watch. Ned was in charge of enforcing Jorah’s… read analysis of Jorah Mormont

Joffrey Baratheon

Joffrey is Tommen and Myrcella’s brother, Tywin’s grandson, and Tyrion’s nephew. He is engaged to Sansa. Most of the realm (including Joffrey) believes that he is Robert and Cersei’s son, though… read analysis of Joffrey Baratheon

Jaime Lannister/the Kingslayer

Jaime is Tyrion’s brother and Tywin’s son. He is also Cersei’s twin brother and her lover. Most of the realm believes Jaime to be Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella’s uncle… read analysis of Jaime Lannister/the Kingslayer

Petyr Baelish/Littlefinger

Littlefinger serves on Robert’s small council (a group of advisors to the king) and then on Joffrey’s small council after Robert dies. Littlefinger grew up in Riverrun with Catelyn, Lysa, and… read analysis of Petyr Baelish/Littlefinger

Renly Baratheon

Renly is Robert and Stannis’s brother. He serves on Robert’s small council (a group of advisors to the king). After Robert dies, Renly abruptly flees King’s Landing, leaving Ned to face the Lannisters on… read analysis of Renly Baratheon

Tywin Lannister

Tywin is Jaime, Cersei, and Tyrion’s father, and Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella’s grandfather. He is the Lord of Casterly Rock, the home of the Lannisters. After the Starks and… read analysis of Tywin Lannister


Varys is the master-of-whisperers in King’s Landing, which means he is in charge of gathering information from informants throughout the realm. He serves on Robert’s small council (a group of advisors to the king)… read analysis of Varys

Lysa Arryn

Lysa Arryn is Jon Arryn’s widow; she’s Catelyn and Edmure’s sister. She sends a message to Catelyn early in the novel saying that she suspects the Lannisters killed Jon Arryn. Later in the… read analysis of Lysa Arryn

Brynden Tully

Brynden Tully is Hoster Tully’s brother, Catelyn, Edmure, and Lysa’s uncle, and Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon’s great-uncle. Catelyn encounters Brynden at the Bloody Gate… read analysis of Brynden Tully

Jon Arryn

Jon Arryn was Lysa’s husband and, before his death, was the Hand of the King for Robert. He also served as a mentor for both Ned and Robert when the two were wards… read analysis of Jon Arryn

Ben Stark

Ben Stark is Ned and Lyanna’s brother, Rickard’s son, and Jon Snow, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon’s uncle. He is a ranger on the Night’s Watch… read analysis of Ben Stark

Jory Cassel

Jory is Rodrik’s nephew and the captain of Ned Stark’s guards. He travels with Ned to King’s Landing when Ned becomes the Hand of the King. There, Jory helps Ned investigate Jon Arrynread analysis of Jory Cassel

Sandor Clegane/The Hound

Sandor Clegane is Gregor Clegane’s brother. He is Joffrey’s personal bodyguard, and when Joffrey becomes king, he promotes Sandor to the Kingsguard (a group charged with protecting the king). Sandor shares a vulnerable… read analysis of Sandor Clegane/The Hound

Gregor Clegane/The Mountain

Gregor Clegane is Sandor Clegane’s brother. He is a gargantuan knight who is portrayed as especially vicious and cold. When Ned suspects that Gregor took part in a raid of a town in the… read analysis of Gregor Clegane/The Mountain

Samwell Tarly

Sam is a recruit who enters the Night’s Watch after Jon Snow. Several trainees in the Night’s Watch ridicule Sam, and Alliser embarrasses Sam during combat training. In response, Jon Snow sticks up for… read analysis of Samwell Tarly

Maester Luwin

Maester Luwin is the maester (which is a kind of scholar, healer, and scientist) at Winterfell. Luwin provides guidance to Ned and Catelyn after Catelyn receives a message from her sister Lysa saying that the… read analysis of Maester Luwin

Maester Aemon

Maester Aemon is the son of Maekar I Targaryen, which makes him the uncle of Aerys II Targaryen and the great-uncle of Viserys, Daenerys, and Rhaegar. He is the maester (which is… read analysis of Maester Aemon

Stannis Baratheon

Stannis Baratheon is Renly and Robert’s older brother. He resides at Dragonstone (the Targaryen’s former castle) for the entirety of the novel. After Ned discovers that Joffrey is not Robert’s biological child, Ned says… read analysis of Stannis Baratheon

Mirri Maz Duur

Mirri Maz Duur is a woman from a town of shepherds that Khal Drogo’s army raids. After the raid, Daenerys intervenes to stop Khal Drogo’s men from raping the women from the town, including… read analysis of Mirri Maz Duur

Syrio Forel

Syrio Forel is Arya’s sword-fighting instructor. He is from Bravos and calls sword fighting a kind of dance, referring to the water dance style of sword fighting practiced in Bravos. He presumably dies defending… read analysis of Syrio Forel

Grand Maester Pycelle

Grand Maester Pycelle is the maester (which is a kind of scholar, healer, and scientist) of King’s Landing, a role in which he has served for over 40 years. He has also been on the… read analysis of Grand Maester Pycelle


Illyrio is a magister in Pentos, a free city on the continent of Essos, which is east of Westeros across the Narrow Sea. Illyrio provides help and shelter to Viserys and Daenerys when they are… read analysis of Illyrio

Loras Tyrell/the Knight of Flowers

Loras Tyrell is a knight from House Tyrell. He is a skilled jouster, which has made him well-known in King’s Landing. In the tournament commemorating Ned’s new role as the Hand of the King… read analysis of Loras Tyrell/the Knight of Flowers


Yoren is a member of the Night’s Watch who travels with Tyrion after Tyrion leaves Castle Black and heads to King’s Landing. After Catelyn arrests Tyrion during that trip, Yoren rides to King’s Landing to… read analysis of Yoren

Aerys II Targaryen

Aerys II Targaryen is Viserys, Daenerys, and Rhaegar’s father. He was the king before Robert seized the throne from him. Aerys became known as the “Mad King” due to his capriciousness and… read analysis of Aerys II Targaryen


Rhaego is the name of Daenerys and Khal Drogo’s unborn son. The name comes from Daenerys’s brother Rhaegar. To save Khal Drogo, Daenerys agrees to let Mirri perform a spell in which a… read analysis of Rhaego


Mycah is a friend of Arya’s who she meets during the trip from Winterfell to King’s Landing after Ned becomes the Hand of the King. Mycah is the son of a butcher, and Arya’s… read analysis of Mycah

Theon Greyjoy

Theon Greyjoy is Balon Greyjoy’s son and Ned Stark’s ward. Theon was taken to Winterfell as a hostage following Balon’s unsuccessful rebellion close to a decade ago. Theon is portrayed as arrogant, and… read analysis of Theon Greyjoy

Walder Frey

Walder Frey is the Lord of the Crossing and oversees the river crossing at the Twins, two identical castles on either side of the Green Fork River. Robb and his army need to cross the… read analysis of Walder Frey


Osha is one of the free folk, or wildings, who is part of a group that assaults Bran the first time he ventures outside of Winterfell after he is paralyzed. She is captured during that… read analysis of Osha


Grenn is one of Jon Snow’s friends on the Night’s Watch. He and Jon Snow are initially enemies, as Jon Snow uses his combat training to humiliate other recruits in his class, including Grenn… read analysis of Grenn


Hugh is Jon Arryn’s former squire. He becomes a knight when Jon Arryn dies. Ned wants to question Hugh about Jon Arryn’s death, but Gregor Clegane kills Hugh during a jousting tournament. Since Gregor… read analysis of Hugh

Myrcella Baratheon

Most people believe that Myrcella is Robert and Cersei’s daughter, but she is actually Cersei and Jaime’s biological daughter. She is also Joffrey and Tommen’s sister and Tywin’s granddaughter. When Nedread analysis of Myrcella Baratheon

Tommen Baratheon

Most people in the realm believe that Tommen is Cersei and Robert’s son, though his actually Cersei and Jaime’s biological son. He is also Joffrey and Myrcella’s brother and Twyin’s grandson… read analysis of Tommen Baratheon

Waymar Royce

Waymar Royce is a knight who joins the Night’s Watch when he is 18. He goes with Gared and Will to investigate the bodies of a group of wildlings that Will saw. Waymar is portrayed… read analysis of Waymar Royce


Gared is a 40-year veteran ranger on the Night’s Watch. He travels with Waymar Royce and Will to investigate the mysterious deaths of a group of wildlings. After the Others kill Will and Waymar Royce… read analysis of Gared


Will is a ranger on the Night’s Watch. He’s been on the Night’s Watch for four years. He spots the bodies of a group of wildlings on a trip beyond the Wall and brings Garedread analysis of Will


Greatjon is a bannermen of the Starks. He joins Robb in battle when the Starks go to war with the Lannisters. At first, Greatjon considers Robb too young to lead and is reluctant to accept… read analysis of Greatjon
Minor Characters
Alliser Thorne
Alliser is the master-at-arms at Castle Black, the castle where members of the Night’s Watch live. He is in charge of training recruits of the Night’s Watch. He and Jon Snow have a contentious relationship, and Jon often thinks that Alliser is trying to sabotage him.
Commander Jeor Mormont
Jeor Mormont is Jorah Mormont’s father. He is the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, which makes him the Watch’s highest-ranking official. Jon Snow becomes Commander Mormont’s steward. Sam argues that Commander Mormont takes Jon as his steward to train Jon to one day command the Night’s Watch.
Septa Mordane
Septa Mordane is the septa of Winterfell. A septa is a clergy member of the Faith of the Seven. Mordane often serves as a caretaker for Arya and Sansa.
Vayon Poole
Vayon Poole is the steward of Winterfell and travels with Ned from Winterfell to King’s Landing when Ned becomes the Hand of the King. Though Vayon is a steward and therefore doesn’t carry a weapon, the Lannisters kill him along with Ned’s other men after Ned is arrested.
Barristan Selmy
Barristan is the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard for Robert. When Joffrey becomes king, he removes Barristan from that position and installs his uncle (and, unbeknownst to him, father) Jaime in his place.
Rhaegar Targaryen
Rhaegar is Viserys and Daenery’s brother and Aerys II Targaryen’s son. Robert Baratheon killed Rhaegar in the Battle of the Trident, and Robert says that he killed him in part to avenge Rhaegar’s abduction and rape of Ned’s sister Lyanna, to whom Robert was engaged before her death.
Bronn is a soldier for hire who initially joins Catelyn’s party to help guard Tyrion when Catelyn has him arrested at an inn. When Lysa grants Tyrion a trial by combat, Bronn fights as Tyrion’s champion and wins, giving Tyrion his freedom.
Edmure Tully
Edmure is Catelyn and Lysa’s brother and Hoster’s son. Edmure is the heir to House Tully and Riverrun. He takes over command of Riverrun when Hoster falls ill. Jaime Lannister captures Edmure in one of the battles in the Riverlands.
Vardis is a knight who Lysa chooses to fight as her champion when she grants Tyrion a trial by combat for his alleged involvement in killing Jon Arryn and conspiring to kill Bran. Vardis loses the fight to Tyrion’s champion, Bronn, and Tyrion and Bronn are subsequently set free.
Doreah is one of Daenerys’s servants who is in charge of instructing Daenerys in the “arts of love.”
Shae is a sex worker who Tyrion pays for sex and companionship when he joins Tywin’s battalion in the war with the Starks. Tyrion plans to take Shae with him to King’s Landing after Tywin appoints Tyrion the Hand of the King.
Ilyn Payne
Ilyn Payne is Robert’s executioner and becomes Joffrey’s executioner after Robert dies. Ilyn executes Ned with Ned’s own sword, Ice.
Old Nan
Old Nan is Hodor’s great-grandmother and the oldest person in Winterfell. She is known for her stories, particularly the stories she tells about the Others and the world beyond the Wall.
Hodor is Old Nan’s great-grandson. He works in the stables at Winterfell. After Bran is paralyzed, Hodor helps Bran move around the castle using a device Maester Luwin builds and straps to Hodor’s back. Osha says that Hodor is part giant.
Pyp is one of Jon Snow’s friends on the Night’s Watch. He is among the group that stops Jon from deserting the Night’s Watch after Ned’s execution.
Mya Stone
Mya is one of Robert’s children born out of wedlock. She lives in the Vale and helps guide Catelyn up the treacherous path to the Eyrie.
Gendry is one of Robert’s children born out of wedlock. He works as a blacksmith’s apprentice in King’s Landing. Visiting Gendry helps Ned realize that Joffrey is not Robert’s son because Gendry has brown hair (like Robert and Mya) while Joffrey has blonde hair (like Cersei and Jaime).
Rickon Stark
Rickon Stark is Ned and Catelyn’s youngest son. He is also Robb, Sansa, Arya, and Bran’s brother and Jon Snow’s half-brother. He is three years old at the beginning of the novel and has a direwolf named Shaggydog.
Mance Rayder
Mance Rayder is known as the King-beyond-the-Wall. He has amassed a following of free folk, or wildlings, and seems to be preparing to meet a threat that those south are as yet unaware of.
Robert Arryn
Robert Arryn is Lysa and Jon Arryn’s son and Catelyn’s nephew. He is named after Robert Baratheon. After Jon Arryn dies, Robert Arryn becomes the Lord of the Eyrie at six years old. The novel suggests that Lysa’s mental instability is taking a hefty toll on him.
Hoster Tully
Hoster Tully is Catelyn, Lysa, and Edmure’s father and Brynden’s brother. He is the Lord of Riverrun. Near the end of the novel, when Catelyn sees Hoster, Hoster seems to be so ill that he is near death.
Wylla is the mother of Jon Snow, who she had with Ned Stark out of wedlock.
Kevan Lannister
Kevan Lannister is Tywin’s younger brother and Jaime, Cersei, and Tyrion’s uncle. He is also Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella’s great uncle. Kevan joins his brother Tywin when Tywin goes to war with the Starks.
Brandon Stark
Brandon Stark is Rickard Stark’s son, Ned Stark’s brother, and Jon Snow, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon’s uncle. He was engaged to Catelyn Stark before he died at the hands of Aerys II Targaryen. After Brandon died, Ned became engaged to, and married, Catelyn.
Rickard Stark
Rickard Stark was Ned and Brandon Stark’s father and Jon Snow, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon’s grandfather. He was the Lord of Winterfell during the reign of Aerys II Targaryen.
Rodrik Cassel
Rodrik is Jory’s uncle and the master-at-arms at Winterfell. He travels with Catelyn to King’s Landing after an assassin attempts to kill Bran.s