A Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones


George R. R. Martin

Stannis Baratheon Character Analysis

Stannis Baratheon is Renly and Robert’s older brother. He resides at Dragonstone (the Targaryen’s former castle) for the entirety of the novel. After Ned discovers that Joffrey is not Robert’s biological child, Ned says that Stannis is Robert’s rightful heir and should inherit the Crown. Near the end of the novel, the Starks hear that Renly is making a play for the Crown instead of Stannis. No one is exactly sure why that is happening or what Stannis’s response might be.
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Stannis Baratheon Character Timeline in A Game of Thrones

The timeline below shows where the character Stannis Baratheon appears in A Game of Thrones. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 33: Eddard
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...by ship. That way he’ll be able to stop in Dragonstone and talk to Ser Stannis (Robert and Renly’s brother) along the way. Ned is convinced that Stannis knows something about... (full context)
Chapter 47: Eddard
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...refuses to take part in that scheme. Instead, Ned writes a letter to Robert’s brother, Stannis, telling him to come to King’s Landing at once and to bring an army. Since... (full context)
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...Joffrey is the rightful king—while Ned, as the Hand of the King, will say that Stannis is the rightful heir. With that in mind, Ned knows he needs to ensure that... (full context)
Chapter 49: Eddard
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...Robert’s heir comes of age. Ned thinks that Robert’s rightful heir is not Joffrey but Stannis, who is already of age, but Ned doesn’t say that. (full context)
Chapter 51: Sansa
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...to steal the throne from Joffrey. They also intercepted a message he intended to reach Stannis, calling on Stannis to bring an army to take control of the throne from Joffrey... (full context)
Chapter 57: Sansa
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...him as king or else they will have their titles and land stripped from them. Stannis and Renly Baratheon’s names are on that list, as are those of Catelyn, Robb, Bran,... (full context)
Chapter 58: Eddard
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...happened since he’s been imprisoned. He says that Cersei is more concerned with Robert’s brothers, Stannis and Renly, than with the threat that Robb and the Stark army might pose, especially... (full context)
Chapter 67: Sansa
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...also shows her the head of Septa Mordane. He says that he’s reserving spots for Stannis, Renly, and Robb. (full context)
Chapter 71: Catelyn
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...next. Robb says that Renly has claimed the right to the throne over his brother Stannis. No one is exactly sure what role Stannis will play. During the strategy meeting, some... (full context)