A Gentleman in Moscow

A Gentleman in Moscow


Amor Towles

The Hussar Officer Character Analysis

A young man and a rival of the Count whom he encounters at a birthday party for a princess. Due to a series of small incidents, the princess had favored the Count over the officer. In revenge, the officer had courted Helena only to break her heart by raping her handmaiden. The Count had then shot the officer in the arm, and he was subsequently sent to Paris as punishment, missing the death of his sister.
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The Hussar Officer Character Timeline in A Gentleman in Moscow

The timeline below shows where the character The Hussar Officer appears in A Gentleman in Moscow. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 2, 1926, Adieu
...out. On the way, the Count’s carriage was run from the road by a young officer of the Hussars. The Count arrived late, at the same time as a friend. He... (full context)
...the Count had been placed just to the right of the princess, while the young officer who had run him off the road was seated on her left. The officer clearly... (full context)
At the end of the dinner, when the orchestra began in the ballroom, the officer held out his hand for the princess. At that moment, the Count’s friend reappeared, and... (full context)
After two hours, the officer had lost one thousand rubles to the Count. The Count graciously decided to tear up... (full context)
...had returned to the family estate and finds his sister Helena with the young Hussar officer. He had sought out the Count’s sister and courted her in revenge. The Count felt... (full context)
The Count waited, hoping that the officer would slip up and reveal his true nature. On Helena’s twentieth birthday, the officer returned... (full context)
The Count had then taken up a pistol from the wall and followed the officer outside. The officer started to drive away at full speed, and the Count raised his... (full context)
The Count concludes his story: after he injured the officer, he was sent to Paris by his grandmother as punishment. But while he was in... (full context)
Book 3, An Alliance
...Count has an interesting background. After asking about the Count’s incident with the young Hussar officer and the Count’s travels to Paris, Osip wonders why the Count did not join either... (full context)