A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


James Joyce

E____ C____ (Emma Clery) Character Analysis

A young woman about whom very little is revealed. Stephen becomes infatuated with her after a party sometime during his summer at Blackrock; he writes her a poem that night, and another poem ten years later. Throughout the book she is his beloved object, his feminine ideal. Stephen’s feelings for Emma are tender and romantic, so the memory of her serves as a constant reproach to his lust.
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E____ C____ (Emma Clery) Character Timeline in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

The timeline below shows where the character E____ C____ (Emma Clery) appears in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2, Part 2
...forced to partake, but which he enjoys observing from a distance. Afterwards, a girl named E____ C____ (also referred to as ‘Emma’) walks with Stephen to the tram. They talk on their... (full context)
Chapter 2, Part 3
...a pretty girl, who the boys assume is Stephen’s girlfriend. Stephen thinks it must be E____ C____ , the girl he almost kissed in the tram two years earlier, and feels angry... (full context)
Chapter 3, Part 2
...girl’s laughter makes him ashamed of his lustful thoughts, which have soiled the memory of E____ C____ . He remembers the details of his his sins with disgust. Salvation seems impossible, but... (full context)
Chapter 5, Part 1
Lynch sees E____ C____ standing on the steps of the Irish academy. She had been flirting with a priest... (full context)
Chapter 5, Part 2
Stephen wakes up in a romantic, “enchanted” mood, probably because he dreamed about E____ C____ . His feeling of inspiration seems to come from a confused jumble of circumstances. He... (full context)
Stephen remembers talking to E____ C____ at a party; she had asked him to play piano and sing, which he did... (full context)
Chapter 5, Part 3
Cranly greets E____ C____ as she walks out of the library, and Stephen suspects that Cranly likes her too,... (full context)
Chapter 5, Part 4
...and enigmatic notes on religious symbolism and the idea of freedom. He also mentions that E____ C____ has probably been sick, and that he has gone out chasing girls with Lynch. A... (full context)
In other entries, he mocks empty logical problems and mentions seeing E____ C____ in a café. Late spring brings him happiness; he thinks he can sense the future.... (full context)