A Streetcar Named Desire


Tennessee Williams

Varsouviana Polka Symbol Analysis

Blanche associates the polka with her young husband’s suicide. Blanche and her husband were dancing the polka when she lashed out at him for his homosexual behavior, and he left the dance floor and shot himself. The music plays when Blanche is reminded of her husband in specific or when she is particularly disturbed by the past in general. The polka continues until some event in the real world distracts her or until a gunshot goes off in her memory. Although the polka plays in Blanche’s mind, and she is the only character onstage who hears the tune, the audience also hears the polka when she hears it.

Varsouviana Polka Quotes in A Streetcar Named Desire

The A Streetcar Named Desire quotes below all refer to the symbol of Varsouviana Polka. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Scene 11 Quotes

Please don’t get up. I’m only passing through.

Related Characters: Blanche DuBois (speaker)
Related Symbols: Varsouviana Polka
Page Number: 173
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Varsouviana Polka Symbol Timeline in A Streetcar Named Desire

The timeline below shows where the symbol Varsouviana Polka appears in A Streetcar Named Desire. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Scene 1
...in Mississippi. Stella is still in the bathroom. When Stanley asks Blanche about her marriage, polka music plays faintly in the background. Blanche tells Stanley that “the boy died” and sinks... (full context)
Scene 6
...out to a casino together. But while Blanche and her husband were dancing the Varsouviana polka, she erupted, telling him that he disgusted her. Her husband, who she refers to as... (full context)
Scene 8
The Varsouviana polka rises in the background. Blanche tries to smile and laugh, but she crumples and rushes... (full context)
Scene 9
...that night. Blanche is sitting in her red satin robe in the bedroom. The Varsouviana polka music can be heard from offstage. The stage directions say that the music is playing... (full context)
Mitch, unshaven and disheveled, rings the doorbell. The polka stops. Blanche hurriedly puts on powder and perfume and hides the liquor before letting Mitch... (full context)
...to know what is the matter, but says she won’t press Mitch about it. The polka music begins again, and she is agitated. Blanche says that the music always stops when... (full context)
...para los muertos” (flowers for the dead). Blanche is frightened and slams the door. The polka music begins again, and the Mexican Woman’s voice can still be heard from outside. (full context)
Scene 11
...when she comes out of the bathroom. She appears in the red satin robe. The polka music plays in the background. Stella and Eunice murmur appreciatively over Blanche. Blanche asks if... (full context)
...is calling for Blanche, but Blanche says that she is not quite ready yet. The polka plays faintly in the background, and drums also begin to play softly. (full context)
...she has forgotten something. Lurid reflections and shadows appear on the walls again, and the polka music plays distortedly, accompanied by noises of the jungle. (full context)