A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


Betty Smith

Charlie Character Analysis

Owner of the penny candy store, Cheap Charlie’s, which is located next to Carney’s junk shop. Francie and Neeley go there for treats after they turn in junk for cash. Francie later realizes that the prizes in his store are fake and that Charlie uses the promise of prizes to keep the children coming back, hoping to win. Still, he gives the children a penny’s worth of candy for each cent they spend in the store.
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Charlie Character Timeline in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

The timeline below shows where the character Charlie appears in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Francie and Neeley then head to Cheap Charlie’s candy store. It is a penny candy store that caters particularly to children who have... (full context)
Chapter 43
...works there. On their way home after collecting their pay, they pass Carney’s and Cheap Charlie’s. Francie asks Neeley if he remembers when they collected junk. He says that was a... (full context)
Chapter 56
...takes her outside. She watches kids lug junk to Carney’s and then go to Cheap Charlie’s. Francie goes into Charlie’s with a fifty-cent piece and announces that she wants all of... (full context)