A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


Betty Smith

Mr. Jenson Character Analysis

A janitor at Francie’s second school who is described as “a ruddy white-haired man.” He is friends with the principal and has an unusual degree of authority at the school. It is rumored that Mr. Jenson is an exceptionally well-educated man but took the janitorial job because it paid better than being a schoolteacher. He assists with providing discipline, but he does not scold unruly boys. Instead, he lectures them on proper conduct and good citizenship.
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Mr. Jenson Character Timeline in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Jenson appears in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 23
The different feeling in the new school largely comes from the janitor, Mr. Jenson . He occupies the furnace room and is a surrogate father to all of the... (full context)
Mr. Morton and Miss Bernstone teach at Francie’s new school, too. During their lessons, Mr. Jenson often squeezes himself into one of the back seats and then invites them down to... (full context)
Chapter 30
...however, and Francie is worried that she won’t get a copy of the magazine. However, Mr. Jenson tells her that he will be working on Saturday and that if she brings a... (full context)
Chapter 42
...that she was right. Francie no longer hates Miss Garnder but feels sorry for her. Mr. Jenson shakes hands with everyone and says “goodbye.” To Francie, he instructs her to be good,... (full context)
At home, Francie and Neeley’s diplomas are admired. Francie’s is especially admired, due to Mr. Jenson ’s fine handwriting. Neeley turns in a report card of two B’s and C’s in... (full context)