A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


Betty Smith

The Tynmores Character Analysis

A pair of music teachers. Miss Lizzie teaches piano and Miss Maggie cultivates the voice. Katie does one hour of housework for the Tynmores in exchange for a one-hour piano lesson from Miss Lizzie. Katie takes the lessons, but she has the children watch; her aim is to teach three for the price of one. Lizzie is aware of this and allows it. Katie also provides her with a bit of lunch and coffee when she arrives for lessons, aware that the Tynmores are quite poor and rely on the generosity of their customers. Johnny offers to fix a window sash for Miss Maggie in exchange for voice lessons for Francie, but botches it, causing Katie to have to do extra housework to make up for the cost of a window repairman. One Christmas, when Francie and Neeley are teenagers, Katie has the idea of giving the family’s Christmas money to the Tynmores, who no longer give lessons and do not have enough money to eat.
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The Tynmores Character Timeline in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

The timeline below shows where the character The Tynmores appears in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 17
...white card that was left in a flat window below. She calls the ladies, the Tynmores, who put up the announcement. Miss Lizzie teaches piano and Miss Maggie cultivates voice. They... (full context)
Miss Lizzie Tynmore arrives for the first lesson at exactly 5:00 PM. She brings a metronome. She removes... (full context)
When the lesson ends, Katie expresses her gratitude for Miss Tynmore’s excellent instruction. Miss Tynmore is pleased by the flattery but makes Katie aware of the... (full context)
...time, all three of them learn to play the piano. When Johnny hears about Maggie Tynmore’s voice lessons, he offers to repair a broken sash cord in one of their windows... (full context)
Chapter 32
...“sick.” Francie hopes that her mother will respect her privacy in the future. Meanwhile, Miss Tynmore continues to teach the family compositions and Neeley can soon play Alexander’s Ragtime Band without... (full context)
Chapter 51
...food and gifts, Katie says that she wants to give their Christmas money to the Tynmores, who are struggling. Francie agrees, though not enthusiastically. (full context)