A Worn Path


Eudora Welty

Attendant Character Analysis

On first looking at Phoenix in the doctor’s office, the attendant assumes that Phoenix is a “charity case”. She is fairly rude and condescending, haranguing Phoenix for failing to give immediate answers rather than caring about Phoenix’s well-being. Noting that it’s Christmastime, she offers Phoenix a few pennies as charity, and gives in when Phoenix asks for a nickel. This nickel allows Phoenix to buy the paper windmill.
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Attendant Character Timeline in A Worn Path

The timeline below shows where the character Attendant appears in A Worn Path. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
A Worn Path
An attendant sitting at a reception desk immediately pegs her as “a charity case”. The attendant questions... (full context)
...as charity. The nurse brings out the medicine, and marks “Charity” on a form. The attendant, noting that it’s Christmastime, asks if she can give Phoenix a few pennies, despite her... (full context)