Across Five Aprils


Irene Hunt

Nancy Creighton Character Analysis

Nancy Creighton is John Creighton’s wife. The couple has two sons. Born in Kansas and evidently raised in a harsh family, Nancy is shy and withdrawn. Over the course of the war, however, she comes to increasingly rely on her in-laws, and she slowly develops a relationship with her young brother-in-law Jethro.

Nancy Creighton Quotes in Across Five Aprils

The Across Five Aprils quotes below are all either spoken by Nancy Creighton or refer to Nancy Creighton. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Chapter 12 Quotes

Daily the color of April grew brighter. The apple and peach orchards were in bloom again, and the redbud was almost ready to burst. The little leaves on the silver poplars quivered in green and silver lights with every passing breeze, and Jenny’s favorite lilacs bloomed in great thick clusters, deep purple and as fragrant as any beautiful thing on earth.

Then suddenly, because there were no longer any eyes to perceive it, the color was gone, and the fifth April had become, like her four older sisters, a time of grief and desolation.

[…] Jethro would remember a sunlit field and a sense of serenity and happiness such as he had not known since early childhood. He would remember […] Nancy running toward him […] He thought at first that something had happened to his father, or [John…]

Then Nancy said, “Jeth, it’s the President—they’ve killed the President.”

Related Characters: Jethro Creighton, Jenny Creighton, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Tom Creighton, Nancy Creighton
Page Number: 203
Explanation and Analysis:
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Nancy Creighton Quotes in Across Five Aprils

The Across Five Aprils quotes below are all either spoken by Nancy Creighton or refer to Nancy Creighton. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Chapter 12 Quotes

Daily the color of April grew brighter. The apple and peach orchards were in bloom again, and the redbud was almost ready to burst. The little leaves on the silver poplars quivered in green and silver lights with every passing breeze, and Jenny’s favorite lilacs bloomed in great thick clusters, deep purple and as fragrant as any beautiful thing on earth.

Then suddenly, because there were no longer any eyes to perceive it, the color was gone, and the fifth April had become, like her four older sisters, a time of grief and desolation.

[…] Jethro would remember a sunlit field and a sense of serenity and happiness such as he had not known since early childhood. He would remember […] Nancy running toward him […] He thought at first that something had happened to his father, or [John…]

Then Nancy said, “Jeth, it’s the President—they’ve killed the President.”

Related Characters: Jethro Creighton, Jenny Creighton, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Tom Creighton, Nancy Creighton
Page Number: 203
Explanation and Analysis: