Across Five Aprils


Irene Hunt

Sam Gardiner Character Analysis

Sam Gardiner owns the general store in Newton, Illinois. He stands up for the Creightons after Guy Wortman and his friends begin to terrorize the family. Then, when Wortman turns his sights on the general store, Gardiner puts a stop to his campaign of terror by shooting him in an embarrassing manner.
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Sam Gardiner Character Timeline in Across Five Aprils

The timeline below shows where the character Sam Gardiner appears in Across Five Aprils. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5
Self-Determination Theme Icon
...diligently through the list of chores his family assigned him. The last involves stopping at Sam Gardiner ’s general store. Six men sit around the store’s fireplace. These include Ross Milton, the... (full context)
Chapter 7
Self-Determination Theme Icon
Personal Conviction Theme Icon
...comeuppance in an incident that appeals to the rural county’s senses of humor and justice. Sam Gardiner makes his anger over the attacks against the Creightons plain. Knowing this puts him at... (full context)