


The chorus comprises a group of elderly men of Pherai. They have a mediating function between audience and actors in the play, commenting on and providing context for the action. They grieve Alcestis’s death, praise Admetos’s hospitality, and appeal to Admetos’s conscience—such as by pointing out that Admetos must learn to accept suffering and mortality.

Chorus Quotes in Alcestis

The Alcestis quotes below are all either spoken by Chorus or refer to Chorus. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
Lines 530-679 Quotes

CHORUS: O Death, in that dark tangle of your mind, if you have
eyes to see, look among the herded dead who go
with Charon in his long slow crossing over Acheron;
look and you will see, blazing in that crowd of ordinary
dead, the noblest life the sunlight ever shone upon!

You shine in memory. And mortal men, remembering
you, will praise your death: a song that does not die.
Each year, unaccompanied, your song shall rise,
a shining on the lips of men; or sometimes chanted
to the rude and simple lyre, at Sparta when the year
has come full circle, and the moon, a splendor, rides
the livelong night; or there in Athens’ blazing noon.
Wherever there is light, wherever men remember love.
Death shall not eclipse the glory of your shining.

Related Characters: Chorus (speaker), Alcestis
Related Symbols: Light
Page Number: 55
Explanation and Analysis:
Lines 680-914 Quotes

CHORUS: Hospitality is here.
What house could be more gracious or more generous
than this? Open-handed, always prodigal and free,
its master gives such lavish welcoming
that one might think his guests were gods.
Great gods have sheltered here.
Here Apollo, god of Delphi, condescending,
came, his high divinity constrained to serve
as shepherd for a year. And down these blessed hills,
to mating flocks the god of music sang the season’s song…

Related Characters: Chorus (speaker), King Admetos , Herakles, Apollo
Page Number: 62
Explanation and Analysis:
Lines 1111-1269 Quotes

CHORUS: —It had to be. We cannot choose our fates.
—A man can fight. But not with life,
not with death.
—Accept it like a man.
—Hard, hard, I know.
—Be brave, Admetos.
—Courage. Others too have lost their wives.
—Some soon, some late, every man is curbed
by suffering or fate.
—Now it is your turn.


LEADER: Your luck had been good, Admetos. High happiness and great wealth—both were yours. So when this sorrow struck so suddenly, it found you unprepared. Suffering was something you had never known.

Related Characters: Chorus Leader (speaker), Chorus (speaker), King Admetos
Page Number: 81
Explanation and Analysis:
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Chorus Character Timeline in Alcestis

The timeline below shows where the character Chorus appears in Alcestis. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Lines 116-285
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
A chorus, a group of elderly citizens of Pherai, gather at the palace entrance. The chorus leader,... (full context)
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
Obligation, Limitations, and Fate Theme Icon
The chorus searches in vain for the customary signs of death, knowing that Alcestis’s death has been... (full context)
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
Obligation, Limitations, and Fate Theme Icon
The chorus leader sees that Alcestis’s maid is coming out of the palace; she is weeping. He... (full context)
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
Loyalty Theme Icon
The chorus leader praises Alcestis as “incomparably a queen” with no earthly rival. The maid agrees, saying... (full context)
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
Hospitality and Friendship Theme Icon
Loyalty Theme Icon
...calls for a last view of the light. The maid excuses herself to announce the chorus leader’s arrival, adding, “It isn’t everyone who cares about this house / or is ready... (full context)
Lines 286-529
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
Loyalty Theme Icon
The chorus kneels to beseech the gods on Alcestis’s behalf. They also wonder how Admetos can live... (full context)
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
Obligation, Limitations, and Fate Theme Icon
Hospitality and Friendship Theme Icon
Loyalty Theme Icon
The chorus leader tells Admetos that he will “stand beside you now, as friends should stand /... (full context)
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
Obligation, Limitations, and Fate Theme Icon
Admetos asks the chorus to support him by singing in honor of Alcestis: “cry defiance to this hard and... (full context)
Lines 530-679
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
The chorus sings in memory of Alcestis, whose life was “the noblest […] the sunlight ever shone... (full context)
Obligation, Limitations, and Fate Theme Icon
Just then Herakles enters and greets the chorus. The chorus leader asks what business brings him to Thessaly. Herakles explains that he has... (full context)
Obligation, Limitations, and Fate Theme Icon
The chorus leader explains that Diomedes is Ares’ fierce son, and Herakles says that this is just... (full context)
Obligation, Limitations, and Fate Theme Icon
Hospitality and Friendship Theme Icon
Loyalty Theme Icon
After Herakles is escorted into the palace, the chorus leader asks if Admetos is crazy. Admetos says he can’t turn away a friend. He... (full context)
Lines 680-914
Obligation, Limitations, and Fate Theme Icon
Hospitality and Friendship Theme Icon
The chorus sings that “hospitality is here,” recalling the welcome and generosity shown to Apollo during his... (full context)
Lines 1111-1269
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
Obligation, Limitations, and Fate Theme Icon
The chorus and Admetos re-enter. Admetos is in deep grief. He says that his home is no... (full context)
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
Obligation, Limitations, and Fate Theme Icon
The chorus further points out that Admetos has always had good luck. He’s never known suffering, so... (full context)
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
Obligation, Limitations, and Fate Theme Icon
The chorus sings, “Necessity is stone / […] against her hard, relentless coming on, / all your... (full context)
Lines 1270-1496
Mortality and Happiness Theme Icon
Obligation, Limitations, and Fate Theme Icon mine, and now I know it.” He and Alcestis exit into the palace. The chorus observes that the “god has found his way / for what no man expected” and... (full context)