American Psycho


Bret Easton Ellis

Jean is Patrick Bateman’s secretary, or, as he refers to her, “my secretary who is in love with me.” She does, indeed, seem to care deeply for Bateman, doting on him in the office and following whatever orders he may give her, whether it be a business task, making a reservation at a restaurant, or dressing or acting in a particular way when in his presence. Throughout the course of the novel, the two appear to grow closer (Bateman even takes Jean to dinner one night) but he ultimately shirks off her affection and nothing more comes of it.

Jean Quotes in American Psycho

The American Psycho quotes below are all either spoken by Jean or refer to Jean. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Office Quotes

“Don’t wear that outfit again,” I say, looking her over quickly… “do not wear that outfit again. Wear a dress. A skirt or something… You’re prettier than that… And high heels,” I mention. “I like high heels.”
She shakes her head good-naturedly as she exits…

Related Characters: Patrick Bateman (speaker), Jean
Page Number: 66-67
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Dinner with Secretary Quotes

And though it has been in no way a romantic evening, she embraces me and this time emanates a warmth I’m not familiar with. I am so used to imagining everything happening the way it occurs in movies, visualizing things falling somehow into the shape of events on a screen, that I almost hear the swelling of an orchestra, can almost hallucinate the camera panning low around us, fireworks bursting in slow motion overhead, the seventy-millimeter image of her lips parting and the subsequent murmur of “I want you” in Dolby sound.

Related Characters: Patrick Bateman (speaker), Jean
Page Number: 265
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Jean Quotes in American Psycho

The American Psycho quotes below are all either spoken by Jean or refer to Jean. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Office Quotes

“Don’t wear that outfit again,” I say, looking her over quickly… “do not wear that outfit again. Wear a dress. A skirt or something… You’re prettier than that… And high heels,” I mention. “I like high heels.”
She shakes her head good-naturedly as she exits…

Related Characters: Patrick Bateman (speaker), Jean
Page Number: 66-67
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Dinner with Secretary Quotes

And though it has been in no way a romantic evening, she embraces me and this time emanates a warmth I’m not familiar with. I am so used to imagining everything happening the way it occurs in movies, visualizing things falling somehow into the shape of events on a screen, that I almost hear the swelling of an orchestra, can almost hallucinate the camera panning low around us, fireworks bursting in slow motion overhead, the seventy-millimeter image of her lips parting and the subsequent murmur of “I want you” in Dolby sound.

Related Characters: Patrick Bateman (speaker), Jean
Page Number: 265
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