Among the Hidden


Margaret Peterson Haddix

General Sherwood Character Analysis

Jen’s dad tells Luke about General Sherwood, who took control of the country and promised law, order, and food for everyone at the height of the famines and riots. Technically, he was able to deliver, but to do so he curtailed everyone’s rights. He’s responsible for drafting the Population Law.

General Sherwood Quotes in Among the Hidden

The Among the Hidden quotes below are all either spoken by General Sherwood or refer to General Sherwood. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Propaganda, Fear, and Control Theme Icon
Chapter 28 Quotes

“Before [the famines], our country believed in freedom and democracy and equality for all. Then the famines came, and the government was overthrown. There were riots in every city, over food, and many, many people were killed. When General Sherwood came to power, he promised law and order and food for all. By then, that was all the people wanted. And all they got.”

Luke squinted, trying to understand. This was grown-up talk, pure and simple.

Related Characters: George Talbot/Jen’s Dad (speaker), Luke Garner, General Sherwood
Page Number: 135
Explanation and Analysis:
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General Sherwood Quotes in Among the Hidden

The Among the Hidden quotes below are all either spoken by General Sherwood or refer to General Sherwood. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Propaganda, Fear, and Control Theme Icon
Chapter 28 Quotes

“Before [the famines], our country believed in freedom and democracy and equality for all. Then the famines came, and the government was overthrown. There were riots in every city, over food, and many, many people were killed. When General Sherwood came to power, he promised law and order and food for all. By then, that was all the people wanted. And all they got.”

Luke squinted, trying to understand. This was grown-up talk, pure and simple.

Related Characters: George Talbot/Jen’s Dad (speaker), Luke Garner, General Sherwood
Page Number: 135
Explanation and Analysis: