An Artist of the Floating World


Kazuo Ishiguro

Kuroda Character Analysis

Ono’s most promising student, Kuroda eventually strikes off in his own direction artistically. Disapproving of the new direction of Kuroda’s work, Ono gives Kuroda’s name to the Committee of Unpatriotic Activities, which leads to Kuroda’s arrest, interrogation, and mistreatment in prison. After the war, Ono goes to visit Kuroda, who has secured a good position as a teacher at the same school that Mitsuo Saito attends, but Kuroda’s student Enchi tells Ono that Kuroda will not want to see him. Kuroda affirms this to Ono in a letter, which leaves Ono concerned that Kuroda’s dislike for him will have a negative influence on Noriko’s marriage prospects.

Kuroda Quotes in An Artist of the Floating World

The An Artist of the Floating World quotes below are all either spoken by Kuroda or refer to Kuroda. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
November 1949 Quotes

I have learnt many things over these past years. I have learnt much in contemplating the world of pleasure, and recognizing its fragile beauty. But I now feel it is time for me to progress to other things. Sensei, it is my belief that in such troubled times as these, artists must learn to value something more tangible than those pleasurable things that disappear with the morning light. It is not necessary that artists always occupy a decadent and enclosed world. My conscience, Sensei, tells me I cannot remain forever an artist of the floating world.

Related Characters: Masuji Ono (speaker), Kuroda, Seiji Moriyama, Mori-san
Page Number: 179-180
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'Did you have authorization to bum those paintings?’ I asked.

'It's our policy to destroy any offensive material which won't be needed as evidence. We've selected a good enough sample. The rest of this trash we're just burning.'

'I had no idea', I said, 'something like this would happen. I merely suggested to the committee someone come round and give Mr Kuroda a talking-to for his own good.' I stared again at the smouldering pile in the middle of the yard. ‘It was quite unnecessary to bum those. There were many fine works amongst them.'

Related Characters: Masuji Ono (speaker), Plain-clothes Officer (speaker), Kuroda
Related Symbols: The Smell of Burning
Page Number: 183
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Kuroda Quotes in An Artist of the Floating World

The An Artist of the Floating World quotes below are all either spoken by Kuroda or refer to Kuroda. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
November 1949 Quotes

I have learnt many things over these past years. I have learnt much in contemplating the world of pleasure, and recognizing its fragile beauty. But I now feel it is time for me to progress to other things. Sensei, it is my belief that in such troubled times as these, artists must learn to value something more tangible than those pleasurable things that disappear with the morning light. It is not necessary that artists always occupy a decadent and enclosed world. My conscience, Sensei, tells me I cannot remain forever an artist of the floating world.

Related Characters: Masuji Ono (speaker), Kuroda, Seiji Moriyama, Mori-san
Page Number: 179-180
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'Did you have authorization to bum those paintings?’ I asked.

'It's our policy to destroy any offensive material which won't be needed as evidence. We've selected a good enough sample. The rest of this trash we're just burning.'

'I had no idea', I said, 'something like this would happen. I merely suggested to the committee someone come round and give Mr Kuroda a talking-to for his own good.' I stared again at the smouldering pile in the middle of the yard. ‘It was quite unnecessary to bum those. There were many fine works amongst them.'

Related Characters: Masuji Ono (speaker), Plain-clothes Officer (speaker), Kuroda
Related Symbols: The Smell of Burning
Page Number: 183
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