An Episode of War


Stephen Crane

Bearer of the corps standard Term Analysis

The bearer of the corps standard is responsible for holding the company’s flag in combat. This is a very specific role for Crane to identify; by doing so, he makes it clear to readers that the battlefield is a world of ranks and offices—designations, as readers discover, that soon become irrelevant when people notice the lieutenant’s gunshot wound.
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Bearer of the corps standard Term Timeline in An Episode of War

The timeline below shows where the term Bearer of the corps standard appears in An Episode of War. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
An Episode of War
Rank vs. Human Judgment Theme Icon
War, Clarity, and Beauty Theme Icon
Next, the lieutenant sees a general, a bugler, some orderlies, and the bearer of the corps standard . They all ride “quivering” chargers into battle while shells explode overhead. The lieutenant pauses... (full context)