An Unquiet Mind


Kay Redfield Jamison

Kay’s Psychology Professor Character Analysis

A psychology professor at UCLA whose class Kay took as an undergraduate. An intelligent and open man, this professor noticed a spark in Kay during class and admired her for taking an upper-level course as an underclassman. Because of this, he invited her to work as his research assistant. Kay’s experiences working with this professor cemented her desire to pursue psychiatry not just throughout her undergraduate education, but into higher education as well.

Kay’s Psychology Professor Quotes in An Unquiet Mind

The An Unquiet Mind quotes below are all either spoken by Kay’s Psychology Professor or refer to Kay’s Psychology Professor. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

[The professor] was kind enough to call creative that which some, no doubt, would have called psychotic. It was my first lesson in appreciating the complicated, permeable boundaries between bizarre end original thought, and I remain deeply indebted to him for the intellectual tolerance that cast a positive rather than pathological hue over what I had written.

Related Characters: Kay Redfield Jamison (speaker), Kay’s Psychology Professor
Page Number: 47
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Kay’s Psychology Professor Quotes in An Unquiet Mind

The An Unquiet Mind quotes below are all either spoken by Kay’s Psychology Professor or refer to Kay’s Psychology Professor. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

[The professor] was kind enough to call creative that which some, no doubt, would have called psychotic. It was my first lesson in appreciating the complicated, permeable boundaries between bizarre end original thought, and I remain deeply indebted to him for the intellectual tolerance that cast a positive rather than pathological hue over what I had written.

Related Characters: Kay Redfield Jamison (speaker), Kay’s Psychology Professor
Page Number: 47
Explanation and Analysis:
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