And Then There Were None


Agatha Christie

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And Then There Were None: Mood 1 key example

Definition of Mood
The mood of a piece of writing is its general atmosphere or emotional complexion—in short, the array of feelings the work evokes in the reader. Every aspect of a piece of writing... read full definition
The mood of a piece of writing is its general atmosphere or emotional complexion—in short, the array of feelings the work evokes in the reader. Every aspect... read full definition
The mood of a piece of writing is its general atmosphere or emotional complexion—in short, the array of feelings the work evokes... read full definition
Chapter 11
Explanation and Analysis:

The mood of the novel is fearful, befitting its macabre story of death and retribution. After the murder of General MacArthur, none of the guests can deny the presence of a murderer on Soldier Island. Some of the men search the island for an intruder but do not find one, forcing the guests to accept that the murderer is among them and contributing to the fearful and tense mood: 

“May I get you some more coffee, Miss Brent?” 
“Miss Claythorne, a slice of ham?” 
“Another piece of toast?” 

Six people, all outwardly self-possessed and normal. And within? Thoughts that ran round in a circle like squirrels in a cage…. “What next? What next? Who? Which?” “Would it work? I wonder. It’s worth trying. If there’s time. My God, if there’s time….” “Religious mania, that’s the ticket … Looking at her, though, you can hardly believe it … Suppose I’m wrong….” “It’s crazy—everything’s crazy. I’m going crazy. Wool disappearing—red silk curtains—it doesn’t make sense. I can’t get the hang of it….” 

Here, Christie contrasts the polite conversation of the guests as they sit for a meal to their frenzied, anxious thoughts, which “ran around in a circle like squirrels in a cage.” Christie presents this series of thoughts in quick succession,  highlighting the collective anxiety and fear of the guests as they attempt to identify the killer before they become the next victim.