Arc of Justice


Kevin Boyle

Edmund DeVaughn Character Analysis

Edmund DeVaughn is Ossian Sweet’s great-grandfather. After being born into slavery and transported from South Carolina to Florida in 1820s, Edmund eventually marries fellow enslaved woman Gilla and has seven sons with her, including Remus and Hubburt DeVaughn. He dies before the beginning of the Civil War, leaving Gilla to finish raising their children alone.
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Edmund DeVaughn Character Timeline in Arc of Justice

The timeline below shows where the character Edmund DeVaughn appears in Arc of Justice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2: Ain’t No Slavery No More
Ossian’s great-grandfather, Edmond DeVaughn , was born into slavery and taken by his owner, Alexander Cromartie, from North Carolina... (full context)
Edmond DeVaughn married an enslaved woman named Gilla in the 1840s and they had seven sons. Edmond... (full context)