Arc of Justice


Kevin Boyle

Josephine Goman Character Analysis

Josephine Goman is a Detroit civil rights activist who attends the Sweet trials and becomes a member of Clarence Darrow’s inner circle during his time in the city. A married mother of five, she nevertheless attracts Darrow’s attention and engages in a direct flirtation with him. Following the Sweet trials, Goman continues her advocacy, taking over and improving the city’s welfare system.
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Josephine Goman Character Timeline in Arc of Justice

The timeline below shows where the character Josephine Goman appears in Arc of Justice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 9: Prejudice
...Darrow behaves in off-putting ways, such as his obvious flirtation with a married political activist, Josephine Gomon , who joins his Motor City entourage. And, in a presentation at the Black Bottom... (full context)
Chapter 10: Judgement Day
...first jury’s deliberations, no one expects a swift verdict; Darrow and his wife, Thomas Chawke, Josephine Gomon , and their entourage leaves the courthouse for a long, alcohol-fueled afternoon at a local... (full context)
Epilogue: Requiescam
...“politically involved” theology that inspires a generation of clergy, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Josephine Gomon transforms Detroit’s struggling welfare system into a “model of well-managed generosity,” and Robert Toms’ career... (full context)