Arc of Justice


Kevin Boyle

Ossian Hart is a member of the Republican Party in Florida during the years of Reconstruction. In the 1872 gubernatorial election, the votes of Black people carry him to the governor’s mansion. Although he was himself a slaveowner prior to the American Civil War and his primary political objectives are improving the Southern economy through increased ties to the North, he repays his supporters by quelling anti-Black violence, prohibiting segregation in most public spaces, and naming Hubburt DeVaughn justice of the peace in Leon County. Later, Dora DeVaughn names her second son, Ossian Sweet, after Ossian Hart.
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Ossian Hart Character Timeline in Arc of Justice

The timeline below shows where the character Ossian Hart appears in Arc of Justice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2: Ain’t No Slavery No More
...than overturning white supremacy. In 1872, the Black delegates staged a political coup to nominate Ossian Hart for governor. Black voters helped propel Hart to victory. Although he was a former slaveholder... (full context)
Just 14 months later, however, Ossian Hart died suddenly. The Republican Party lost control, while white economic opportunists reclaimed power. Then, the... (full context)