Arc of Justice


Kevin Boyle

Vollington Bristol Character Analysis

Vollington Bristol is a friend of Ossian Sweet’s and a fellow member of the elite, talented tenth of the Black community in Detroit. When he moves into a home in an all-white neighborhood that he formerly rented out, he becomes the target of a violent, white mob. Thus, Bristol joins the Sweets, John Fletcher, Fleta Mathies, and Alexander Turner as a victim of violence intended to maintain the color line in Detroit. Unlike Mathies, Fletcher, and Turner, he maintains possession of his home despite the mob.

Vollington Bristol Quotes in Arc of Justice

The Arc of Justice quotes below are all either spoken by Vollington Bristol or refer to Vollington Bristol. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

Then, a woman who lived across the street from Bristol’s house mounted her porch and launched into a harangue. “If you call yourselves men and are afraid to get those niggers out,” she screamed, “we women will move them, you cowards!” That was it. Almost instantaneously the mob began stoning the house. Someone approached the police to ask if they would step aside for five minutes; it wouldn’t take any longer to drive the coloreds away. When the inspector refused to move his men, the mob stoned them too.

Related Characters: Ossian Sweet, Gladys Sweet, Vollington Bristol
Related Symbols: Houses
Page Number: 154
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Vollington Bristol Quotes in Arc of Justice

The Arc of Justice quotes below are all either spoken by Vollington Bristol or refer to Vollington Bristol. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

Then, a woman who lived across the street from Bristol’s house mounted her porch and launched into a harangue. “If you call yourselves men and are afraid to get those niggers out,” she screamed, “we women will move them, you cowards!” That was it. Almost instantaneously the mob began stoning the house. Someone approached the police to ask if they would step aside for five minutes; it wouldn’t take any longer to drive the coloreds away. When the inspector refused to move his men, the mob stoned them too.

Related Characters: Ossian Sweet, Gladys Sweet, Vollington Bristol
Related Symbols: Houses
Page Number: 154
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