Before We Were Free


Julia Alvarez

Mr. Mancini/Tío Pepe Character Analysis

Mr. Mancini is an Italian diplomat in the Dominican Republic. He’s also Oscar’s dad. When Anita and Mami go into hiding in the Mancinis’ closet, he asks that Anita call him Tío Pepe. This is because his wife, Mrs. Mancini, is Dominican, and she and Mami discover that they’re distant relations. While Anita is living in his closet, Tío Pepe takes it upon himself to encourage her to make the best of her time. He tells her about other famous people who wrote important works while in captivity or in hiding, and he encourages her to keep a regular writing schedule. He’s generally good-natured and he’s one of the few adult men that Anita decides she can trust.

Mr. Mancini/Tío Pepe Quotes in Before We Were Free

The Before We Were Free quotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Mancini/Tío Pepe or refer to Mr. Mancini/Tío Pepe. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Anita’s Diary Quotes

Actually, Mr. Mancini says that people are secretly calling it an ajusticiámiento, which means bringing to justice, the way criminals have to face the consequences of their evil deeds.

I feel so much better thinking that Papi and Tío Toni were doing justice, not really murdering killing hurting someone. But still...just the thought of my own father—

Related Characters: Anita (speaker), Papi, Trujillo/El Jefe/Mr. Smith, Tío Toni, Mr. Mancini/Tío Pepe
Page Number: 109
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Mr. Mancini/Tío Pepe Quotes in Before We Were Free

The Before We Were Free quotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Mancini/Tío Pepe or refer to Mr. Mancini/Tío Pepe. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Anita’s Diary Quotes

Actually, Mr. Mancini says that people are secretly calling it an ajusticiámiento, which means bringing to justice, the way criminals have to face the consequences of their evil deeds.

I feel so much better thinking that Papi and Tío Toni were doing justice, not really murdering killing hurting someone. But still...just the thought of my own father—

Related Characters: Anita (speaker), Papi, Trujillo/El Jefe/Mr. Smith, Tío Toni, Mr. Mancini/Tío Pepe
Page Number: 109
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