Beyond Good and Evil


Friedrich Nietzsche

Martin Luther was a 16th-century German priest and the initiator of the Protestant Reformation, as well as a translator of the Bible into German. Luther’s work is to Nietzsche both exemplary of slave morality, further democratizing Christianity and modifying it for the interests of the herd man, and an impressive achievement of individual and intellectual work in its own right, with Nietzsche half-ironically referring to Luther’s Bible as the finest prose in the German language.
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Martin Luther Character Timeline in Beyond Good and Evil

The timeline below shows where the character Martin Luther appears in Beyond Good and Evil. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
8. Peoples and Fatherlands
...have mastered, however: preaching from the pulpit. To Nietzsche, the masterpiece of German prose remains Luther’s translation of the Bible. (full context)