Black Beauty

Black Beauty


Anna Sewell

Blantyre Character Analysis

Blantyre is Lady Anne’s cousin. The two often ride together, and Blantyre enjoys riding a mare named Lizzie. He’s a good rider and understands that Lizzie is flighty and not appropriate for a lady riding sidesaddle. But when Lady Anne insists on trying Lizzie, Blantyre allows her to do so. He and Black Beauty pursue Lizzie when she bolts with Lady Anne, and they get Lady Anne medical care when she falls.
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Blantyre Character Timeline in Black Beauty

The timeline below shows where the character Blantyre appears in Black Beauty. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 24
...mare named Lizzie—whom the gentlemen love, but whom Ginger insists is nervous. A man named Blantyre likes Lizzie a lot, and one day, Lady Anne insists on riding Lizzie, since Blantyre... (full context)
Things are fine until they get to the doctor’s house. There, Blantyre gets off and starts to open the gate for Lady Anne, but she insists that... (full context)
Black Beauty and Blantyre jump the ditch carefully and find Lady Anne facedown at the bottom of it. Lizzie... (full context)
...but she also comes back from rides strained and coughing. Two days after the accident, Blantyre comes to the stable to praise Black Beauty, whom he insists should be Lady Anne’s... (full context)
Chapter 25
In early April, Smith is tasked with driving Blantyre to the train station and riding back on Black Beauty. At the station, Blantyre tells... (full context)