Black Skin, White Masks


Frantz Fanon

Karl Marx is a German philosopher who is widely recognized as the most important theorist of socialism in history. Born in Prussia, Marx is the author of Capital (1867-1883) and (with Friedrich Engels) The Communist Manifesto (1848). Fanon is significantly influenced by Marx’s revolutionary vision, but remains critical of many aspects of Marxist thought.
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Karl Marx Character Timeline in Black Skin, White Masks

The timeline below shows where the character Karl Marx appears in Black Skin, White Masks. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: The Black Man and Language
...white supremacy (particularly if they are reading authors who challenge existing power structures, such as Marx). Fanon notes that some Antilleans who return from France continue to speak Creole and deliberately... (full context)
Chapter 8: By Way of Conclusion
Fanon begins the conclusion with a quotation by Karl Marx, in which Marx argues that revolution cannot rely on the past but must strive to... (full context)