Black Skin, White Masks


Frantz Fanon

Narcissism is a psychological condition wherein the sufferer’s egotistical and self-obsessive qualities are so extreme that they are considered pathological. The term can be used to describe many different types of behavior, but Fanon discusses the condition in relation to the phenomenon of Antilleans who spend time in France and come to think they are better than their countrymen as a result.
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Narcissism Term Timeline in Black Skin, White Masks

The timeline below shows where the term Narcissism appears in Black Skin, White Masks. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: The Black Man and Language
...only one month in France, and believes it is important to address the issue of narcissism. He argues that France casts a “spell” on black people in the colonies, due to... (full context)