Bleak House

Bleak House


Charles Dickens

Mrs. Chadband / Mrs. Rachael Character Analysis

Mrs. Chadband (formerly Mrs. Rachael) is the wife of Mr. Chadband and was previously the maid of Miss Barbary, who is the aunt of Esther Summerson. Mrs. Rachael is a cold, greedy woman, who disliked Esther when she was a child because she was illegitimate. She tries to extort money out of Sir Leicester Dedlock when it is revealed that Esther is the illegitimate child of Sir Leicester’s wife, Lady Dedlock.
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Mrs. Chadband / Mrs. Rachael Character Timeline in Bleak House

The timeline below shows where the character Mrs. Chadband / Mrs. Rachael appears in Bleak House. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
Social Mobility, Class, and Lineage Theme Icon
Law vs. Justice Theme Icon
Haunting, Guilt, and Destiny Theme Icon
...asks to see Esther. The man introduces himself as Mr. Kenge and seems to know Mrs. Rachael , Miss Barbary’s maid. Mr. Kenge reveals that Miss Barbary was really Esther’s aunt, and... (full context)
Social Mobility, Class, and Lineage Theme Icon
Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Kindness Theme Icon
...she has ever known. A coach arrives that afternoon to take Esther to Reading, and Mrs. Rachael coldly dismisses her. Mrs. Rachael remains behind in Miss Barbary’s house, which has been left... (full context)
Chapter 24
Social Mobility, Class, and Lineage Theme Icon
Law vs. Justice Theme Icon
Haunting, Guilt, and Destiny Theme Icon
...tells Esther that there is a woman to see her. It is her godmother’s servant, Mrs. Rachael , whose married name is now Mrs. Chadband. She greets Esther haughtily and then swoops... (full context)