Blood Meridian


Cormac McCarthy

A native of Wales, Bathcat later traveled to Van Diemen’s Land (present-day Tasmania) to hunt aborigines; he wears a necklace of human ears. Like Toadvine, he is a fugitive from the law. During the gang’s flight from General Elias’s army, Bathcat is sent out as a scout, never to return. He is found along with the other scouts days later dead and hideously mutilated, hanging from a tree.
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Bathcat Character Timeline in Blood Meridian

The timeline below shows where the character Bathcat appears in Blood Meridian. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7
In the morning, the gang sets out. Toadvine becomes friendly with Bathcat, a.k.a. the Vandiemenlander, a fellow fugitive originally from Wales who migrated to Van Diemen’s Land... (full context)
...kid watch the family of magicians announce their entertainments to the beat of a drum. Bathcat leans over to them and points out black Jackson, who is in the square with... (full context)
Chapter 8 with cards, called Monte. Out of the gloom, an old man shuffles toward Toadvine, Bathcat, and the kid. After some linguistic misunderstanding, the old man makes it clear that he... (full context)
As the scalp hunters leave the cantina, Bathcat tells the kid that the old man they just spoke with is the father of... (full context)
Chapter 13
...comes. Toadvine tells the kid that the Tiguas aren’t bothering anyone, but no one responds. Bathcat notices that Toadvine is wearing a necklace of gold teeth. The scalp hunters go on... (full context)
Chapter 14
...Judge then walks atop a stone bridge and throws the dogs into the river below. Bathcat is nearby urinating; he draws, and with penis in one hand and pistol in the... (full context)
Chapter 16
...Eventually, they come upon their lost scouts—a man named Gilchrist, the last two Delawares and Bathcat—hanging from a tree, hideously mutilated. Some men cut them down, and the gang rides on,... (full context)