Blood Meridian


Cormac McCarthy

Doctor Lincoln Character Analysis

Owns and runs a ferry on the Colorado River, for which he charges a fee to cross. Glanton and the Judge later deceive Lincoln and appropriate the ferry for the gang’s purpose and profit, to Lincoln’s horror. He is killed and mutilated by the Yumas who later raid the ferry and nearby fortifications.
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Doctor Lincoln Character Timeline in Blood Meridian

The timeline below shows where the character Doctor Lincoln appears in Blood Meridian. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 17
...ferryboat, which charges a dollar per person. The ferry arrives, piloted by a doctor named Lincoln, whom Glanton introduces to the gang. (full context)
Chapter 19
Glanton, the Judge, and two other gang members sit drinking tea with Doctor Lincoln, who runs the ferry on the Colorado River. Glanton warns the doctor that the Yuma... (full context)
Glanton takes charge of the ferry, charging people not one dollar to cross as Lincoln did, but four dollars. Not long after, the gang members just begin to outright rob... (full context)
...find a half-naked Mexican girl collared and chained to a post and a filthy Doctor Lincoln pleading with him and jabbering. “That man,” he says pointing to the fortifications on the... (full context)
The Yuma Indians invade the fortifications on the hill overlooking the ferry. They kill Doctor Lincoln along with many gang members, including the drunken Gunn, Wilson, and Henderson Smith. The Yuma... (full context)
...a young girl cowering naked on the floor, and the Judge himself, also naked, with Lincoln’s howitzer tucked under one arm. Over its touchhole the Judge holds a lighted cigar. The... (full context)
That night, the Yuma Indians hold a bonfire where Glanton and Lincoln’s corpses, along with eight others, are burned. The Indians also burn Lincoln’s dog alive, which... (full context)