Blood Meridian


Cormac McCarthy

Runs the bodega that Glanton and his men drink in while staying in the town of Jesús María. After townspeople burn down his bodega, Carroll along with a man named Sanford, leaves town to join Glanton’s gang. However, by the time the gang reaches Ures, the capital of the Mexican state of Sonora, both Carroll and Sanford have deserted.
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Frank Carroll Character Timeline in Blood Meridian

The timeline below shows where the character Frank Carroll appears in Blood Meridian. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 14 a sad fiddler, the Americans have found a bodega run by a man named Frank Carroll and are drinking. The Judge throws a coin to the fiddler and begins to... (full context)
...from town, and they leave behind six of their own dead in the streets. Later, Frank Carroll and another American, Sanford, catch up with the gang and tell the scalp hunters... (full context)
...rifle, but David Brown shoots him first. Another shootout. Many mules fall to their deaths. Carroll and Sanford have become detached from the gang, but join back up with them toward... (full context)
Chapter 15
The governor of Sonora provides the gang with a new contract to hunt the Apaches. Carroll and Sanford have left the gang once and for all, but a man named Sloat... (full context)