Gan is the protagonist and narrator of the story. He is a Terran teenager who lives in the protected shelter of the Preserve and is the mate of the Tlic female, T’Gatoi. Gan has…
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T’Gatoi is a Tlic female and Gan’s lifelong mate. She is also a powerful politician and the ruler of the Preserve with authority to distribute or protect Terran families as she sees fit. T’Gatoi…
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Lien is Gan’smother, a Terran. Though Lien was once happy and close friends with T’Gatoi, she now bitterly resents the Tlic leader for taking Gan from her. Lien chooses to defy…
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Quiis Gan’solder brother, a Terran. As a young child Qui witnessed a botched birthing in which a Tlic allowed her offspring to eat a Terran alive. This made Qui hate the…
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Xuan Hoa
Xuan Hoais Gan’ssister and favorite sibling, aTerran. She also loves T’Gatoi and had hoped to be picked to be the host to her children, despite the fact that women are…
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Bram Lomasis aTerran and the carrier of T’Khotgif Teh’s eggs. Since she is not present when the eggs are hatching inside of his body, T’Gatoi is forced to cut Lomas open while…
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Minor Characters
Gan’s Father
Gan’sfather is deceased by the start of the story. Through the narcotic sterile eggs, he lived a life that was twice as long as natural, hosted three clutches of Tlic eggs, and sired four Terran children.
T’Khotgif Teh
ATlicand Bram Lomas’smate.
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Homstad, Levi. "Bloodchild Characters." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 28 Mar 2019. Web. 13 Jan 2025.