Born a Crime


Trevor Noah

Tim Character Analysis

The shrewd and manipulative son of a domestic worker in Highlands North who resells Trevor’s pirated CDs at his “proper ghetto school,” Northview. Tim is always cooking up a scheme: he once pretends that Trevor is a famous American rapper and later sets him up with Babiki (but never mentions that she only speaks Pedi).
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Tim Character Timeline in Born a Crime

The timeline below shows where the character Tim appears in Born a Crime. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 14
Racism, Apartheid, and the Cycle of Poverty Theme Icon
Identity, Belonging, and Community Theme Icon
Trevor has two friends involved in his CD scheme. One is Tim, who (like Teddy) is the son of a domestic worker, but goes to “a proper... (full context)
Love and Personal Growth Theme Icon
Another time, Tim comes to Trevor’s house and they chat about the dance—Tim promises he can get Trevor... (full context)
Identity, Belonging, and Community Theme Icon
Love and Personal Growth Theme Icon
Astonishingly, Tim shows up a  few weeks later with good news—even though Trevor is sure he is... (full context)
Identity, Belonging, and Community Theme Icon
Love and Personal Growth Theme Icon
Tim and Trevor visit Babiki’s family some more in the next few weeks; they are from... (full context)
Racism, Apartheid, and the Cycle of Poverty Theme Icon
Identity, Belonging, and Community Theme Icon
Love and Personal Growth Theme Icon
...know what it means for him to have a “girlfriend.” Their communication “was always through Tim,” who speaks Pedi. Babiki’s sisters speak English, but she does not, and Trevor is used... (full context)
Chapter 16
Racism, Apartheid, and the Cycle of Poverty Theme Icon
...drivers and hang out in a converted shipping container that has a payphone inside. Like Tim, Sizwe is a clever businessman, so starts selling to the bus drivers on credit (with... (full context)