Boy Overboard


Morris Gleitzman

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Boy Overboard: Chapter 30 Summary & Analysis

People at the front of the boat start screaming and Jamal thinks they heard about how many flavors of ice cream there are in Australia. Instead, he discovers that another boat is approaching. He is excited, but soon realizes that the boat is full of pirates with automatic weapons. The pirates board the boat and the smugglers greet them happily; they are in cahoots. The smugglers join the pirates on their ship, bringing everyone’s valuables with them, and Jamal realizes they’re being abandoned. Some pirates stay on the ship, however, and begin grabbing women and bringing them onto their ship.
As pirates begin boarding the boat and stealing valuables, the true vulnerability of refugees becomes apparent. They have no defense against armed pirates and have no choice but to watch the pirates steal valuables and abduct women. This harsh reality underscores the dark duality of human nature in the narrative. While many people are generous, extending goodwill towards those who are vulnerable, others are cruel and exploitative, preying on the weak instead of aiding them. 
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Jamal realizes Bibi and Rashida are in danger and helps them disguise as boys. To ward off suspicion, the three of them start playing with the football, hoping that the pirates assume girls can’t play football well. A pirate walks by and takes a kick at the football. Jamal pulls the ball away instinctually, and the man misses and falls backward to the ground. The pirate kicks Jamal hard in the hip. Jamal hopes Bibi won’t fight back and is glad to see that Omar is holding her back. Rashida rubs Jamal’s hip to make it better and when he finally gets up, he sees the pirates are gone. Jamal realizes the only people left are three sailors and the starving refugees.
Fearing Bibi and Rashida will be kidnapped, Jamal devises a clever scheme to ward off suspicion from the pirates, one which uses their misogyny against them. This shows Jamal to be not only socially perceptive, but also incredibly resourceful and quick thinking. It also underscores the sense of mutual responsibility the children feel toward one another. Even Omar, who is normally unhelpful, stops Bibi from hitting the soldier, saving her from being exposed as a girl.
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