Boy Overboard


Morris Gleitzman

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Boy Overboard: Chapter 35 Summary & Analysis

Jamal believes they are almost in Australia. They’re in one of the warships’ rubber boats heading to the coastline, and Jamal notices how green Australia looks. Neither he nor Bibi see his parents or their boat, however. There are people waiting for them on land, but when they arrive, they still don’t see their parents. Jamal feels panicky and Bibi begins to cry, but Andrew reassures them that they will find the other boat. Jamal believes him and begins to revel in being in Australia.
Reaching what he believes is Australia, Jamal is forced to confront the contrast between his expectations and his reality. Though he and Bibi have made to the land they dreamed of, they have arrived without their parents. Thus, the moment is bittersweet; while it spells the end of their harrowing journey, it is still not the resolution they hoped for.
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Andrew leads everyone into a compound with massive tents. He tells them this is their home and tries to separate males from females, but Jamal says they’re all staying together: he, Bibi, Omar, and Rashida. Andrew allows it, and they all get a tent together. Bibi still looks sad, and Jamal suggests they explore Australia to cheer her up. Andrew gives Jamal a weird look, however, and Jamal thinks Andrew is judging him for being selfish: their parents are not there yet, and it would be mean to have fun without them. Reflecting on how kind Australians are, Jamal thanks Andrew silently for his unspoken insight.
Having yet to reunite with their parents, Jamal and the other children stick together in the compound. Though the Australians want to separate them by gender, Jamal, Bibi, Rashida, and Omar all refuse, illustrating the depth of their bond. This moment also hints that something might be amiss. Though Jamal interprets Andrew’s weird look as admonishment for his perceived selfishness, Jamal often misreads situations, so readers should assume there’s more going on than Jamal realizes.
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