Boy Overboard


Morris Gleitzman

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Boy Overboard: Chapter 4 Summary & Analysis

Jamal makes his way back to Bibi, reassuring himself that the lack of an explosion is a good sign. He finds Bibi and sees that she is unhurt; however, she is standing on a landmine, with one leg pressing down the metal plate. If she moves it, the bomb will explode. Bibi explains that it’s her fault, not Yusuf’s (who Jamal had begun to blame). She saw something for her bird migration project at their parent’s illegal school and accidentally stepped on the mine. She is terrified, and Jamal tells her to trade places with him.
Once again, Bibi’s recklessness has gotten her into trouble. Sidetracked by finding something for her project, she accidentally steps on a landmine, and Jamal and Yusuf are forced to find a solution. Being the responsible, loyal big brother that he is, however, Jamal does not blame her, offering instead to trade places with her.
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Yusuf points out how dangerous changing places is, and Bibi refuses to move. Jamal tries to convince her, claiming that if she blows up, their parents will get in trouble for her being out of the house. Bibi is obstinate, but she eventually concedes. They trade places without an explosion, and Yusuf and Bibi leave to get help. Jamal looks at the mine and notices that it is new. This is a good sign because new bombs are less volatile and easier to deactivate. Bibi runs back, saying she doesn’t want to leave him. She runs into his arms, knocking them both over, but the bomb does not explode. Jamal feels faint and sick, but he’s thankful they both survived.
Bibi’s obstinance proves problematic once again, though this time it is to protect her brother. She does not want him to take her place on top of the landmine, and it is only after much negotiation that she agrees to trade places. However, her decision is short-lived, and her recklessness nearly kills them again, running into his arms and knocking them both off the landmine.
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