Boy Overboard


Morris Gleitzman

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Boy Overboard: Chapter 41 Summary & Analysis

Jamal and his family hug until the sun comes up. Eventually they return to their tent and talk. Jamal’s dad reveals that the island is not Australia; it’s an island in the Pacific Ocean. Their parents ask Jamal and Bibi about their journey and their mom calls the sailor in yellow overalls a “selfish camel-snot.” Bibi says that Rashida says some people are “camel snots” because of what has happened to them. They introduce their parents to Omar and Rashida, and their parents hug and thank them for their help. Jamal explains his and Bibi’s plans to become famous football players and create a new government back in Afghanistan. Their parents look happy and begin to cry.
Reunited at last, Jamal and his family revel in one another’s presence. They have not seen each other since being separated on the boats and have much to share about their journeys. Despite their happiness of all being together, Jamal and Bibi still take the time to introduce their parents to Omar and Rashida, not forgetting the people who helped them along the way. This suggests that the bonds they formed on their journey will be lasting ones, emphasizing how strong bonds formed under adversity can be. 
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