Boy Overboard


Morris Gleitzman

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Boy Overboard: Chapter 42 Summary & Analysis

In his office, Andrew tells Jamal how happy he is for him. Jamal starts to ask a question, but Andrew interrupts him, apologizing for not telling him earlier that the island is not Australia. Jamal says he understands and asks why they brought them here. Andrew explains, uncomfortably, that his country has changed its stance on immigration after their most recent election. Jamal realizes some Australians don’t want people like him and his family in Australia.  Andrew gives Jamal his football back, saying he mended it. Jamal thanks Andrew, giving Andrew a significant look so that he knows he is thankful for more than just the football.
Jamal and Andrew have a heart to heart. Despite their many differences, the two of them have bonded over the course of their time together and Andrew feels he owes Jamal an explanation for lying about Australia. Being the understanding person he is, Jamal quickly forgives Andrew, feeling grateful for Andrew’s kindness.
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Given how kind Andrew is, Jamal is confused why some Australians don’t want people from Afghanistan moving there. Andrew tells Jamal to give the ball a try. Jamal doesn’t feel like it, but he does anyway to make Andrew feel better. When he tries to do a trick, however, his knee bursts into pain and the ball smashes through the window. Jamal apologizes, but Andrew is more concerned about him getting medical attention than the window. He bemoans that there is no X-ray on the island with them.
Though Jamal has matured a lot since first leaving Afghanistan, he is still too naïve to understand the politics of immigration. Being the kind-hearted person he is, he fails to understand why a country would ban a particular type of person from immigrating there. Essentially, Jamal would never discriminate against someone for their race or nationality, and so he struggles to imagine someone who would. 
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Andrew looks sad and explains that he hates what his country is doing to people like Jamal. Jamal sees that Andrew is trying to control his feelings, but he’s failing, and a tear rolls down his face. Jamal pats his arm and says he is glad Andrew is there. Jamal understands how Andrew feels. He knows what it’s like to have a dream and have it turn out to be harder than you thought. He tells Andrew the secret of football is never giving up, even if it seems hopeless. Andrew smiles at Jamal and Jamal smiles back, telling him everything will be ok. Jamal looks out the window and sees his family happily walking along the beach. Jamal feels lucky and full of love. Even though they’re not in Australia, Jamal feels like they are.
Ironically, it is Jamal who ends up consoling Andrew. Though Jamal does not fully understand what Andrew is upset about, he is a naturally sympathetic person and tries to cheer him up, telling Andrew the secret of football is to never give up. Andrew is touched by Jamal’ simple yet optimistic message, likely because he knows the struggles Jamal has gone through recently; for Jamal to maintain such a positive attitude shows incredible resilience of spirit. This passage also underscores Jamal’s newfound maturity. While he once idealized Australia as the perfect home, he now understands that what really matters is family. Essentially, Jamal begins to think of Australia as a happy state of mind rather than a place—and with this view, Australia can be anywhere as long as his family is there, too.
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