Boy Overboard


Morris Gleitzman

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Boy Overboard: Chapter 9 Summary & Analysis

Jamal practices football in the street. It is the middle of the night, and he realizes what a good time it is to practice: unless he makes noise, no one will arrest or imprison him. He also cannot sleep, and practicing takes his mind off things. Bibi shows up, however, and accuses him of sneaking out. She asks where their parents are, and Jamal explains—without actually knowing—that they are warning the parents of the other schoolchildren.  
Set on becoming a famous footballer, Jamal practices football on the street. This illustrates that, apart from providing him with hope, Jamal’s dream also offers him a way to cope with the upsetting changes in his life. Not only does it distract him, but it also provides him with a sense of agency and control over his life. Though unrealistic, Jamal imagines that practicing will ultimately allow him to win back the government’s favor.
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Bibi says she wants to play football and then steals the ball from Jamal. Jamal realizes what a natural talent Bibi is and decides to include her in his plan: together they can become famous football players. Then the government will have to legalize girls playing, too. Bibi takes a “penalty shot” and kicks the ball hard down the street. It lands in front of their old home, and just as it does, their house explodes. Jamal and Bibi are thrown to the ground, and villagers emerge from their homes. Their dad shows up and pulls them to their feet, cursing the trucks driving away from their home. Jamal realizes that the trucks must have created the explosion, and that the government blew up their home.
This passage highlights Jamal’s love for his sister, as well as his selflessness. Though it is his dream to become a famous football player, he has no issue sharing the dream with Bibi, nor does he harbor any jealousy for her natural talent. This scene also illustrates to Jamal and Bibi the extent of the danger they are in. Watching his house explode is a wake-up call that the government might not be as open to negotiation as Jamal hopes.
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