Boy Overboard


Morris Gleitzman

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Identity and Ancestry Theme Analysis

Themes and Colors
Immigration, Family, and Home Theme Icon
Identity and Ancestry Theme Icon
Hope  Theme Icon
Gender and Discrimination Theme Icon
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Identity and Ancestry Theme Icon

Jamal’s ancestors are both desert warriors and bakers, and for much of the book he wonders which one he is more like. To Jamal, these ancestors offer a template for his present and future, showing him both what he is and can be. Each occupation symbolizes different qualities to Jamal, and he finds himself embodying—or wishing to embody—one or the other as he navigates the various trials encountered along his journey. Early in the novel, Jamal wants to be more like his desert warrior ancestors on his mother’s side. When he’s trying to rescue his soccer ball from underneath the tank, for instance, he bemoans that he is not as brave as a desert warrior. He believes, with disappointment, he only inherited his father’s “baker genes,” which in this context, Jamal sees as significantly less useful. As the novel progresses, however, Jamal begins to realize the value of his “baking genes,” even as he increasingly proves himself to be brave like a desert warrior. For example, while bailing water out of the sinking smuggler’s ship, Jamal thinks of how tirelessly his father’s baker ancestors worked to bake bread, beginning at three in the morning every day—something that inspires Jamal to keep bailing water, even when it’s difficult and exhausting.  

Ultimately, Jamal realizes that a person’s ancestry doesn’t have to dictate who they are in full. At the end of the novel, Omar, for instance, reveals that his ancestors were thieves. Though Omar has stolen before, Jamal realizes that he has also been far more than this; on countless occasions, he has proven himself a selfless friend and ally. Thus, when Omar asks Jamal about his own ancestors, Jamal answers that he is a little of both his parent’s ancestors: he’s part baker, part desert warrior. Jamal realizes that who a person is more complex than who their ancestors were or where they came from, and so he decides he can be too. In this way, Boy Overboard suggests that, while one’s past can offer a useful template for self-actualization—as it does for Jamal—it does not need to be wholly prescriptive. 

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Identity and Ancestry Quotes in Boy Overboard

Below you will find the important quotes in Boy Overboard related to the theme of Identity and Ancestry.
Chapter 3 Quotes

I slump back, weak with despair. Who am I kidding? I didn’t inherit anything from Mom’s ancestors. Bibi got all the desert warrior genes. All I got were Dad’s. The strength, courage, and fierceness of a baker. Pathetic.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Page Number: 14
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

We look at each other. And suddenly I know that if Dad can be a desert warrior in the football stadium, so can I.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: Jamal’s Football
Page Number: 69
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 18 Quotes

We’re not protected any more. We’re about to get on a plane and place our lives in the hands of smugglers and our ancestors aren’t protecting us anymore.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: The Candlestick
Page Number: 97
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 19 Quotes

As the plane lurches on into the night, I realize this is what we’re going to have to do from now on. With no candlestick to look after us, we’re going to have to look after each other.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Related Symbols: The Candlestick
Page Number: 101
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 23 Quotes

A desert warrior could swim over there and grab the other boat’s anchor chain in his teeth and swim back dragging the other boat behind him. But I’m not a desert warrior. I’m just a kid trying to keep his family in one piece.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Mom , Dad
Page Number: 118
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 32 Quotes

A lot of the men down here are looking at her. They can’t believe a female can keep going this long. They don’t understand how she can do it. I know how. Her father’s a baker.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Bibi, Dad
Page Number: 148
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 39 Quotes

‘One lot were desert warriors,’ I say. ‘The other lot were bakers.’

‘Which are you?’ says Omar.

I think about this. I think about the things that have happened. My chest fills with grief again, because suddenly I know the answer it makes me miss Mum and Dad so much.

‘I’m a bit of both,’ I say.

Related Characters: Jamal (speaker), Mom , Dad , Omar/The Boy
Page Number: 172
Explanation and Analysis: