Boy Swallows Universe


Trent Dalton

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Hanna Broz is Tytus Broz’s adult daughter. She was born without forearms or hands, and this inspired Tytus to start his prosthetics business. Hanna has long, white-blond hair and seems quiet and kind. She always wears prosthetics presumably made by Tytus, though Eli recognizes that hers are more for looks than for function. It’s not entirely clear what her relationship with her father is like. Eli notices that at Tytus’s 80th birthday party, he keeps his hand on her thigh most of the evening, and she barely eats.
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Hanna Broz Character Timeline in Boy Swallows Universe

The timeline below shows where the character Hanna Broz appears in Boy Swallows Universe. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Boy Kills Bull
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
Back in the present, Tytus kisses Mum on both cheeks and then introduces his daughter, Hanna, to his guests. According to Lyle, Hanna inspired Tytus’s prosthetics business, as she was born... (full context)
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
...little things he notices about their party, such as how Tytus keeps his hand on Hanna’s thigh and how Hanna has barely eaten. Darren admits he didn’t notice a lot of... (full context)
Boy Conquers Moon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
...doesn’t match the landscape—something is off about this place. A maid opens the door, but Hanna Broz is behind the maid and greets Eli and Caitlyn. She’s older now, and she... (full context)
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Mentorship Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
When Caitlyn compliments the artwork in the house, Hanna notes that Tytus hasn’t always lived like this—he started in Australia at the Wacol immigration... (full context)
Goodness, Masculinity, and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Storytelling and Justice Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
...Tytus if he can record the conversation and then interviews Tytus. Tytus explains how, when Hanna was born, he was inspired to make sure no other babies born without arms, like... (full context)
Trauma, Coping, and Healing Theme Icon
Family, Love, and Mentorship Theme Icon
Money, Suburbia, and Criminality Theme Icon
...“Life without limits.” Then, he says he’s seen the future and in it, kids like Hanna will control their prosthetic limbs directly from their brains. Just then, a blue bird outside... (full context)