

Cate Kennedy

Andrew Character Analysis

Liz’s husband and Daniel’s father. He has a “soft, slumped,” look from all the hours he spends commuting and working, and his appearance reminds readers of the physical toll of modern capitalism on workers. Liz marvels at how little emotion he displays when greeting Daniel in the evening—unlike Liz, Andrew is used to leaving Daniel every day to go to work. He is also not very supportive or sympathetic towards his wife. When Liz complains about how miserable she felt at work, he reminds her that she “chose” to return and that they are “locked into” their mortgage. “You think I love every minute of my job?” he asks bitterly. He also mentions that he picked up cake to celebrate Liz’s first day back, a celebration that Liz feels she has been pressured into having, making her feel even more trapped and exhausted in her role as a working mother.

Andrew Quotes in Cake

The Cake quotes below are all either spoken by Andrew or refer to Andrew. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
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Cake Quotes

‘We agreed it was always only going to be a temporary thing, you staying home,’ he goes on in a low, reasonable voice, his back still to her. ‘Because, you know, we’re locked into this.’

Related Characters: Andrew (speaker), Liz
Page Number: 168
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Andrew Quotes in Cake

The Cake quotes below are all either spoken by Andrew or refer to Andrew. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
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Cake Quotes

‘We agreed it was always only going to be a temporary thing, you staying home,’ he goes on in a low, reasonable voice, his back still to her. ‘Because, you know, we’re locked into this.’

Related Characters: Andrew (speaker), Liz
Page Number: 168
Explanation and Analysis: