

Cate Kennedy

Lasagna Symbol Icon

The lasagna Liz eats for lunch represents her feelings of being deceived into thinking going back to work was a good decision. Julie, Stella, and Caroline take her out to lunch at an Italian restaurant to celebrate her return to the office after her maternity leave. When her food arrives, Liz takes a bite and thinks “Those cheats,” because she recognizes the store-bought brand of pasta from all the times she has eaten it on a budget at home. The feeling of being cheated or duped applies to her entire day—while her coworkers, husband, and informational pamphlet assure her that going back to work will be a relief after staying at home, Liz does not enjoy the experience at all and feels like she has been swindled by the messages of the people around her.

Lasagna Quotes in Cake

The Cake quotes below all refer to the symbol of Lasagna. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Guilt Theme Icon
Cake Quotes

Liz concentrates on swallowing the claggy paste of cheese and pasta in her mouth. God in heaven, she thinks, forcing it down, if anyone else mentions fucking cake again today I’m going to burst a blood vessel.

Related Characters: Liz, Julie, Stella, and Caroline
Related Symbols: Cake, Lasagna
Page Number: 162
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Lasagna Symbol Timeline in Cake

The timeline below shows where the symbol Lasagna appears in Cake. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Motherhood Theme Icon
Expectations vs. Reality Theme Icon the daycare center to check on Daniel. When her food arrives, she tries her lasagna and feels cheated—it is made with the same cheap, store-bought ingredients she ate so often... (full context)