

Jean Toomer

Avey’s Admirer Character Analysis

Avey’s admirer is a Black boy growing up in Washington, DC, where he is neighbors with Avey, Ned, and the Top Floor Feller. From a young age, Avey’s admirer loves Avey, but he cannot win her affection in return. No matter what he tries to do to impress her, she treats him as a friend or brother rather than as a potential boyfriend. Eventually, Avey’s narrator goes to Wisconsin for college. He doesn’t see Avey for years on end, but he can’t shake his feelings for her, and he even goes to New York City to find her after he hears that she’s moved there. Ultimately, Avey’s narrator runs into Avey again by chance in Washington, D.C. He tries to impress her with all he has accomplished since he was a teenager, but he still fails, and he ultimately accepts that Avey will never see him the way he sees her.

Avey’s Admirer Quotes in Cane

The Cane quotes below are all either spoken by Avey’s Admirer or refer to Avey’s Admirer . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
19. Avey Quotes

I have a spot in Soldier’s Home to which I always go when I want the simple beauty of another’s soul. Robins spring about the lawn all day. They leave their footprints in the grass. I imagine that the grass at night smells sweet and fresh because of them. The ground is high. Washington lies below. Its light spreads like a blush against the darkened sky. Against the soft dusk sky of Washington. And when the wind is from the South, soil of my homeland falls like a fertile shower upon the lean streets of the city. Upon my hill in Soldier’s Home. I know the policeman who watches the place of nights. When I go there alone, I talk to him. I tell him I come there to find the truth that people bury in their hearts.

Related Characters: Avey’s Admirer (speaker), Avey
Page Number: 60-61
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Avey’s Admirer Quotes in Cane

The Cane quotes below are all either spoken by Avey’s Admirer or refer to Avey’s Admirer . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
19. Avey Quotes

I have a spot in Soldier’s Home to which I always go when I want the simple beauty of another’s soul. Robins spring about the lawn all day. They leave their footprints in the grass. I imagine that the grass at night smells sweet and fresh because of them. The ground is high. Washington lies below. Its light spreads like a blush against the darkened sky. Against the soft dusk sky of Washington. And when the wind is from the South, soil of my homeland falls like a fertile shower upon the lean streets of the city. Upon my hill in Soldier’s Home. I know the policeman who watches the place of nights. When I go there alone, I talk to him. I tell him I come there to find the truth that people bury in their hearts.

Related Characters: Avey’s Admirer (speaker), Avey
Page Number: 60-61
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