

Jean Toomer

Ralph Kabnis Character Analysis

Ralph Kabnis is a Black man who was born and raised in the North, where he went to school and became a teacher. Subsequently, he took a teaching job in Georgia at the school for Black children run by Hanby. Despite forming warm friendships with Fred Halsey and Layman, Kabnis is disconnected in the South. His discomfort illustrates the way the Great Migration offered opportunities for Black people who went North but also alienated them from their Southern history and connections. Kabnis feels the allure of Georgia’s land as the country of his ancestors but is also terrified of the racial tensions and violence of the Jim Crow South as exemplified by Mame Lamkins’s brutal death. When he accidentally intercepts a threat meant to intimidate Lewis, he nearly goes out of his mind with paranoia and fear. Kabnis also resents Hanby’s rigid attitude about propriety and rules and before he’s dismissed from his teaching post, he knowingly engages in activities designed to displease the headmaster. Subsequently, he works as Halsey’s apprentice, where he finds himself drawn more and more to the enigmatic, prophetic figure of Father John. However, when Father John finally offers his revelation, an angry and disaffected Kabnis rejects it, walking away in silence.

Ralph Kabnis Quotes in Cane

The Cane quotes below are all either spoken by Ralph Kabnis or refer to Ralph Kabnis . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
29. Kabnis Quotes

These cracks are the lips the night wind uses for whispering. Night winds in Georgia are vagrant poets, whispering. Kabnis, against his will, lets his book slip down, and listens to them. The warm whiteness of his bed, the lamp-light, do not protect him from the weird chill of their song:

White-man’s land
Niggers, sing.
Burn, bear black children
Till poor rivers bring
Rest, and sweet glory
In Camp Ground.

Related Characters: Ralph Kabnis , Hanby
Page Number: 109
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Halsey (in a mock religious tone): Amen t that, brother Layman. Amen (turning to Kabnis, half playful, yet somehow in dead earnest). An Mr. Kabnis, kindly remember youre in th land of cotton—hell of a land. Th white folks get th boll; th niggers get th stalk. An dont you dare touch th boll, or even look at it. they’ll swing y sho. (Laughs.)

Kabnis: But they wouldnt touch a gentleman—fellows, men like us three here—

Layman: Nigger’s a nigger down this away, Professor. An only two dividins: good an bad. And even they aint permanent categories. They sometimes mixes um up when it comes t lynchin. I’ve seen um do it.


Kabnis: Things are better now though since that stir about those peonage cases, arent they?

Layman: Ever hear tell of a single shot killin moren one rabbit, Professor?

Related Characters: Ralph Kabnis (speaker), Fred Halsey (speaker), Layman (speaker)
Page Number: 118
Explanation and Analysis:

Kabnis wants to rise and put both Halsey and Hanby in their places. He vaguely knows that he must do this, else the power of direction will completely slip from him to those outside. The conviction is just strong enough to torture him. To bring a feverish, quick-passing flare into his eyes. To mutter words soggy in hot saliva. To jerk his arms upward in futile protest. Halsey, noticing his gestures, thinks it is water that he desires. He brings a glass to him. Kabnis slings it to the floor. Heat of the conviction dies. His arms crumple. His upper lip, his moustache, quiver. Rap! Rap, on the door. The sounds slap Kabnis. They bring a hectic color to his cheeks. Like huge cold finger tips they touch his skin and goose-flesh it. Hanby strikes a commanding pose. He moves toward Layman. Layman’s face is innocently immobile.

Related Characters: Ralph Kabnis , Lewis , Fred Halsey , Hanby , Layman
Page Number: 128
Explanation and Analysis:

His eyes shift to Kabnis. In the instant of their shifting, a vision of the life they are to meet. Kabnis, a promise of a soil-soaked beauty; uprooted, thinning out. Suspended a few feet above the soil whose touch would resurrect him. Arm’s length removed from those whose will to help…There is a swift intuitive interchange of consciousness. Kabnis has a sudden need to rush into the arms of this man. His eyes call, “Brother.” And then a savage, cynical twist-about within him mocks his impulse and strengthens him to repulse Lewis. His lips curl cruelly. His eyes laugh. They are glittering needles, stitching. With a throbbing ache they draw Lewis To. Lewis brusquely wheels on Hanby.

Related Characters: Ralph Kabnis , Lewis , Fred Halsey , Hanby , Layman
Page Number: 130
Explanation and Analysis:

Their meeting is a swift sun-burst. Lewis impulsively moves towards her. His mind flashes images of her life in the southern town. He sees the nascent woman, her flesh already stiffening to cartilage, drying to bone. Her spirit-bloom, even now touched sullen, bitter. Her rich beauty fading…He wants to— He stretches forth his hands to hers. He takes them. They feel like warm cheeks against his palms. The sun-burst from her eyes floods up and haloes him. Christ-eyes, his eyes look to her. Fearlessly she loves into them. Sand then something happens. Her face blanches. Awkwardly she draws away. The sin-bogies of respectable southern colored folks clamor at her: “Look out! Be a good girl. A good girl. Look out!”

Related Characters: Karintha , Carma , Fern , Avey , Ralph Kabnis , Lewis , Fred Halsey , Carrie K. , Stella, Cora
Page Number: 138
Explanation and Analysis:

Kabnis, with great mock-solemnity, goes to the corner, takes down the robe, and dons it. He is a curious spectacle, acting a part, yet very real. He joins the others at the table. They are used to him. Lewis is surprised. He laughs. Kabnis shrinks and then glares at him with a furtive hatred. Halsey, bringing out a bottle of corn licker, pours drinks.

Related Characters: Fred Halsey (speaker), Ralph Kabnis , Lewis , Hanby , Carrie K.
Page Number: 143
Explanation and Analysis:

Kabnis rises and is going doggedly toward the steps. Carrie notices his robe. She catches up to him, points to it, and helps him take it off. He hangs it, with an exaggerated ceremony, on its nail in the corner […] with eyes downcast and swollen, trudges upstairs to the work-shop. Carrie’s gaze follows him till he is gone. Then she goes to the old man and slips to her knees before him. Her lips murmur, “Jesus, come.”

Light streaks through the iron-barred cellar window. Within its soft circle, the figures of Carrie and Father John.

Outside, the sun arises from its cradle in the tree-tops of the forest. Shadows of pines are dreams the sun shakes from its eyes. The sun arises. Gold-glowing child, it steps into the sky and sends a birth-song slanting down gray dust streets and sleep windows of the southern town.

Related Characters: Karintha , Ralph Kabnis , Lewis , Father John , Carrie K.
Page Number: 158
Explanation and Analysis:
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Ralph Kabnis Quotes in Cane

The Cane quotes below are all either spoken by Ralph Kabnis or refer to Ralph Kabnis . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
29. Kabnis Quotes

These cracks are the lips the night wind uses for whispering. Night winds in Georgia are vagrant poets, whispering. Kabnis, against his will, lets his book slip down, and listens to them. The warm whiteness of his bed, the lamp-light, do not protect him from the weird chill of their song:

White-man’s land
Niggers, sing.
Burn, bear black children
Till poor rivers bring
Rest, and sweet glory
In Camp Ground.

Related Characters: Ralph Kabnis , Hanby
Page Number: 109
Explanation and Analysis:
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Halsey (in a mock religious tone): Amen t that, brother Layman. Amen (turning to Kabnis, half playful, yet somehow in dead earnest). An Mr. Kabnis, kindly remember youre in th land of cotton—hell of a land. Th white folks get th boll; th niggers get th stalk. An dont you dare touch th boll, or even look at it. they’ll swing y sho. (Laughs.)

Kabnis: But they wouldnt touch a gentleman—fellows, men like us three here—

Layman: Nigger’s a nigger down this away, Professor. An only two dividins: good an bad. And even they aint permanent categories. They sometimes mixes um up when it comes t lynchin. I’ve seen um do it.


Kabnis: Things are better now though since that stir about those peonage cases, arent they?

Layman: Ever hear tell of a single shot killin moren one rabbit, Professor?

Related Characters: Ralph Kabnis (speaker), Fred Halsey (speaker), Layman (speaker)
Page Number: 118
Explanation and Analysis:

Kabnis wants to rise and put both Halsey and Hanby in their places. He vaguely knows that he must do this, else the power of direction will completely slip from him to those outside. The conviction is just strong enough to torture him. To bring a feverish, quick-passing flare into his eyes. To mutter words soggy in hot saliva. To jerk his arms upward in futile protest. Halsey, noticing his gestures, thinks it is water that he desires. He brings a glass to him. Kabnis slings it to the floor. Heat of the conviction dies. His arms crumple. His upper lip, his moustache, quiver. Rap! Rap, on the door. The sounds slap Kabnis. They bring a hectic color to his cheeks. Like huge cold finger tips they touch his skin and goose-flesh it. Hanby strikes a commanding pose. He moves toward Layman. Layman’s face is innocently immobile.

Related Characters: Ralph Kabnis , Lewis , Fred Halsey , Hanby , Layman
Page Number: 128
Explanation and Analysis:

His eyes shift to Kabnis. In the instant of their shifting, a vision of the life they are to meet. Kabnis, a promise of a soil-soaked beauty; uprooted, thinning out. Suspended a few feet above the soil whose touch would resurrect him. Arm’s length removed from those whose will to help…There is a swift intuitive interchange of consciousness. Kabnis has a sudden need to rush into the arms of this man. His eyes call, “Brother.” And then a savage, cynical twist-about within him mocks his impulse and strengthens him to repulse Lewis. His lips curl cruelly. His eyes laugh. They are glittering needles, stitching. With a throbbing ache they draw Lewis To. Lewis brusquely wheels on Hanby.

Related Characters: Ralph Kabnis , Lewis , Fred Halsey , Hanby , Layman
Page Number: 130
Explanation and Analysis:

Their meeting is a swift sun-burst. Lewis impulsively moves towards her. His mind flashes images of her life in the southern town. He sees the nascent woman, her flesh already stiffening to cartilage, drying to bone. Her spirit-bloom, even now touched sullen, bitter. Her rich beauty fading…He wants to— He stretches forth his hands to hers. He takes them. They feel like warm cheeks against his palms. The sun-burst from her eyes floods up and haloes him. Christ-eyes, his eyes look to her. Fearlessly she loves into them. Sand then something happens. Her face blanches. Awkwardly she draws away. The sin-bogies of respectable southern colored folks clamor at her: “Look out! Be a good girl. A good girl. Look out!”

Related Characters: Karintha , Carma , Fern , Avey , Ralph Kabnis , Lewis , Fred Halsey , Carrie K. , Stella, Cora
Page Number: 138
Explanation and Analysis:

Kabnis, with great mock-solemnity, goes to the corner, takes down the robe, and dons it. He is a curious spectacle, acting a part, yet very real. He joins the others at the table. They are used to him. Lewis is surprised. He laughs. Kabnis shrinks and then glares at him with a furtive hatred. Halsey, bringing out a bottle of corn licker, pours drinks.

Related Characters: Fred Halsey (speaker), Ralph Kabnis , Lewis , Hanby , Carrie K.
Page Number: 143
Explanation and Analysis:

Kabnis rises and is going doggedly toward the steps. Carrie notices his robe. She catches up to him, points to it, and helps him take it off. He hangs it, with an exaggerated ceremony, on its nail in the corner […] with eyes downcast and swollen, trudges upstairs to the work-shop. Carrie’s gaze follows him till he is gone. Then she goes to the old man and slips to her knees before him. Her lips murmur, “Jesus, come.”

Light streaks through the iron-barred cellar window. Within its soft circle, the figures of Carrie and Father John.

Outside, the sun arises from its cradle in the tree-tops of the forest. Shadows of pines are dreams the sun shakes from its eyes. The sun arises. Gold-glowing child, it steps into the sky and sends a birth-song slanting down gray dust streets and sleep windows of the southern town.

Related Characters: Karintha , Ralph Kabnis , Lewis , Father John , Carrie K.
Page Number: 158
Explanation and Analysis: