Cannery Row


John Steinbeck

Tom Talbot Character Analysis

Mary Talbot’s husband. A cartoonist who frequently experiences financial hardship, Tom becomes depressed when he and his wife are short on money. When Mary tries to cheer him up, though, he insists that he simply wants to acknowledge his misery rather than ignore the fact that everything is going badly.
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Tom Talbot Character Timeline in Cannery Row

The timeline below shows where the character Tom Talbot appears in Cannery Row. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 24
Mary Talbot is a “lovely” woman who loves parties. However, she and her husband, Tom, don’t have very much money, so she can’t “give parties all the time.” As such,... (full context)
In response to Tom’s misery, Mary says she might host a party, but Tom says it’s “no use.” As... (full context)